
SII 2022 Year One Program

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Securities Industry Institute

SII 2022 – Year 1 Program



March 06 - March 11, 2022


Philadelphia, PA

Hosted by

SIFMA and Wharton


SII 2022 Year One Program

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12:00pm – 1:30pm

(Also offered on-campus on Monday, March 7th at 8:45am) This engaging session focuses on common cognitive biases that afflict even the best decision makers. A number of biases are illustrated…

(Also offered on-campus on Monday, March 7th at 8:45am)

This engaging session focuses on common cognitive biases that afflict even the best decision makers. A number of biases are illustrated in the context of day-to-day judgments and decisions that we make in both our professional and personal lives. Through a series of examples, specific decision failures are identified and analyzed. The implications of these decision traps are examined, and recommendations on how to improve our decision skills offered.

Learning Objectives:

  • To illustrate and then examine subtle barriers to good decisions that trip up even the best decision makers
  • To learn how to recognize these traps and counter them to ensure good results when managing decisions on the job
  • To describe the limits and pitfalls of intuition


Roch Parayre


Roch Parayre

Founder and Chairman


Roch Parayre’s Biography

12:00pm – 1:30pm

(Also offered on-campus on Thursday, March 10th at 8:45am) The MicroInequities: Managing Unconscious Bias™ program focuses entirely on actionable solutions to actively manage unconscious bias in the workplace—actions that result…

(Also offered on-campus on Thursday, March 10th at 8:45am)

The MicroInequities: Managing Unconscious Bias™ program focuses entirely on actionable solutions to actively manage unconscious bias in the workplace—actions that result in measurable behavior change. It provides the techniques and tools that make people skilled at driving change—not just being aware.

Being smarter about Unconscious Bias isn’t good enough—People must become motivated and skilled. Participants leave the session with the ability to immediately put what they learned into action to improve the quality of their own performance and enhance the ways others can be motivated to perform.

Learning Objectives:

  • Establish the definitive link between diversity and leadership effectiveness.
  • Uncover the ways micromessages impair or enhance workplace performance.
  • Create a team culture that recognizes how differences lead to discovery.
  • Develop skills that change the ways we send messages in order to motivate and inspire performance.
  • Achieve a level of acceptance by senior leaders to embrace the concepts and act as change agents by modeling the prescribed behaviors.
  • Forge systemic acceptance and behavior change that drive diversity and inclusion at all levels.



Stephen Young


12:00pm – 5:00pm

Registration for all participants will take place at The Sheraton (3549 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19104) from 12:00pm – 5:00pm.   In accordance with University policy, each…

Registration for all participants will take place at The Sheraton (3549 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19104) from 12:00pm – 5:00pm.


In accordance with University policy, each participant must show proof of a recent negative PCR COVID-19 test performed no more than 72 hours prior to the start of the program.

6:00pm – 8:00pm

Join fellow participants and the SII Board of Trustees at the Please Touch Museum for a welcome reception to kick off Institute Week.  Buses will only be…

Join fellow participants and the SII Board of Trustees at the Please Touch Museum for a welcome reception to kick off Institute Week.  Buses will only be provided from/to the SII hotel properties.

7:15am – 8:15am

Breakfast will be served at all SII hotel properties.

Breakfast will be served at all SII hotel properties.

8:45am – 10:15am

(Also offered virtually on Monday, February 14th from 12:00pm - 1:30pm EST) This engaging session focuses on common cognitive biases that afflict even the best decision makers. A number of…

(Also offered virtually on Monday, February 14th from 12:00pm – 1:30pm EST)

This engaging session focuses on common cognitive biases that afflict even the best decision makers. A number of biases are illustrated in the context of day-to-day judgments and decisions that we make in both our professional and personal lives. Through a series of examples, specific decision failures are identified and analyzed. The implications of these decision traps are examined, and recommendations on how to improve our decision skills offered.

Learning Objectives:

  • To illustrate and then examine subtle barriers to good decisions that trip up even the best decision makers
  • To learn how to recognize these traps and counter them to ensure good results when managing decisions on the job
  • To describe the limits and pitfalls of intuition


Roch Parayre


Roch Parayre

Founder and Chairman


Roch Parayre’s Biography

(Also offered on Monday at 1:30pm) In this YI core course Professor Tiffany reviews the historical evolution of the American economy from the beginnings of the Republic up until the…

(Also offered on Monday at 1:30pm)

In this YI core course Professor Tiffany reviews the historical evolution of the American economy from the beginnings of the Republic up until the present day.

Pre-Program Videos: The course will start with three short videos, available for participant viewing at their leisure prior to the “live” sessions in March.  These required videos—approximately 45-60 minutes each– will provide background content so that the live session can focus on key issues and provide time for participant discussion.  Following viewing, all participants will be required to compose a short response (one or more paragraphs) to a given question and submit their response to the SII staff.

The first video (“Foundations”) will begin with an emphasis on the foundations for future economic growth that were created at the beginning of the Republic, and which will take us up to 1865.  In this we will emphasize how America differs from essentially all other nations of the world with its direct focus on individual property rights that were to be exercised in a capitalist market economy— rights captured in the Constitution– that continue down to the present time, and which in many respects continues to define the nation’s political issues.  We will then proceed to show how the fledgling new nation began to build an infrastructure to allow for economic expansion, including the development of an agricultural economy that relied on cheap labor and constant land acquisition.

The second video (“The Rise of ‘Big Business’”) will cover the period following the Civil War up through World War I, when a set of critical trends converged that were to shape, by the end of the 19th Century, the emergence of an economy dominated by the large industrial firm.  This period is often recognized as the “Robber Baron” era of “creative destruction” and in which the entrepreneurial “Schumpeterian Hero” leveraged new technologies that profoundly transformed America and laid the groundwork for the nation’s global economic dominance in the 20th Century. In many respects, this outcome was in significant conflict with the vision of the Founding Fathers who favored a nation of small farmers and limited industrialization as the economic and social ideal—issues that still resonate today.

The third video (“The American Century—and Beyond?”) will bring the discussion up to the present time. We will first review how the US economy sank into the Great Depression following the frothy “Roaring Twenties,” and then how the outbreak of World War II set the stage for the emergence of the so-called “American Century” and the nation’s remarkable economic growth and prosperity up to the 1970s.  Yet it was at this point in time that underlying problems began to surface, even though a second “Schumpeterian Era of Creative Destruction” was creating the “new economy” of technology-dominated businesses in the latter decade of the 20th Century.  More significantly, the simultaneous advent of “globalization” emerged that by the start of the 21st Century began to threaten US world economic dominance through the rise of China and other emerging nations.  This session will necessarily discuss both the origins and consequences of the “Great Recession” of 2008 and will conclude with President Trump’s attempt to “Make America Great Again” in the profoundly changed 21st Century global economy. And this, in turn, will bring us to the commencement of the Biden Administration as it faces the central issue of sustaining America’s economic dominance going forward.

“Live” session: This will provide a forum for discussion in which all participants will be encouraged to offer their own perspectives on the questions.

Learning Objectives:

  • To inform participants of the broader economic trends of the past and how these trends can affect the direction of the American economy in the 21st Century.
  • To provide participants with an appreciation of how business development and economic progress in America are closely related to the broader political, social, and legal trends that have evolved in this nation over its historical evolution.
  • To stimulate participant thinking about how the changing global political-economic environment will affect economic progress in the United States in the coming decades as the nation confronts a determined rival for global pre-eminence.


Pre-Class Assignment – Video


CFP®, CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Paul Tiffany


Paul Tiffany

Senior Lecturer (Emeritus)

Hass School of Business, University of California, Berkeley

Paul Tiffany’s Biography

10:35am – 12:05pm

In the wake of COVID-19, policymakers and retirees have been shocked into a new awareness of the need for better risk management tools to handle longevity and aging. I will…

In the wake of COVID-19, policymakers and retirees have been shocked into a new awareness of the need for better risk management tools to handle longevity and aging. I will discuss the status quo prior to the spread of the virus, evaluate how retirement systems have fared in the wake of the shock, and examine insurance and financial market products that may render retirement systems more resilient for the world’s aging population.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify key elements of retirement system in the US and globally
  • Evaluate how the pandemic is challenging retirement systems
  • Develop proposals to enhance retirement security


CFP®, CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Olivia Mitchell


Olivia Mitchell

International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans Professor

The Wharton School

Professor of Insurance Risk Management and Business Economics and Public Policy

The Wharton School

Olivia Mitchell’s Biography

This session will investigate why healthcare spending always goes up, what are the drivers, and what can be done about it. Learning Objectives: Distinguish the supply and demand side drivers…

This session will investigate why healthcare spending always goes up, what are the drivers, and what can be done about it.

Learning Objectives:

  • Distinguish the supply and demand side drivers of healthcare spending
  • Distinguish the price and volume drivers of healthcare spending
  • Investigate whether US healthcare costs rise faster than the rest of the world
  • Discuss what realistically can be done to control spending (without the political rhetoric)


Pre-Class Assignment – Reading


CFP®, CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Lawton Robert Burns


Lawton Robert Burns

James Joo-Jin Kim Professor, Professor of Healthcare Management

The Wharton School

Professor of Management

The Wharton School

Lawton Robert Burns’s Biography

American society is transforming. It’s aging. And with aging, we accumulate more and more wealth. In time, we need that wealth for our well-being, pleasure, and legacy. With aging, we’re…

American society is transforming. It’s aging. And with aging, we accumulate more and more wealth. In time, we need that wealth for our well-being, pleasure, and legacy. With aging, we’re also more likely to experience cognitive impairments. Persons with cognitive impairment need care, but there are fewer and fewer people available to care for them, especially the free labor of close by family. Persons with cognitive impairment are at heightened risk to make errors in financial management or be victims of financial fraud or abuse. Together, these facts distill a powerful brew of challenges for older adults, their families, medicine and the banking and financial services industries. This course will overview the common causes of cognitive complaints and cognitive impairment and the latest initiatives to improve the diagnosis and care of these disorders, and to address fraud and abuse. Particular attention will be paid to issues at the intersections of cognitive health and wealth. These include understanding what are the causes of cognitive problems, and how they impact of financial capacity. A smart firm will strive to practice “whealthcare”.  The lecturer will examine how a firm might achieve this through staff training, effective communication with clients and their families (especially in light of FINRA rule 4512), and deploying novel technologies to monitor and detect changes in financial capacity, and as well, fraud and abuse. The class will have a look into the future of the monitored brain. Attendees will leave inspired to make changes in the ways they conduct business so that they can better serve the health and wealth of the older clients and their families.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand what are the meanings of common terms: dementia (its stages), Alzheimer’s disease, cognitive impairment (including mild cognitive impairment) and caregivers.
  • Recognize how financial capacity is among the earliest signs of cognitive impairments and the opportunities to design and conduct your business so that it serves the health and wealth of an aging America.


Pre-Class Assignment – Reading


CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Jason Karlawish


Jason Karlawish

Professor of Medicine, Medical Ethics and Healthy Policy, and Neurology

University of Pennsylvania

Jason Karlawish’s Biography

With limited other resources, clients are turning to their financial professionals for advice on Social Security. Advisors who can provide education and guidance on Social Security as part of the…

With limited other resources, clients are turning to their financial professionals for advice on Social Security. Advisors who can provide education and guidance on Social Security as part of the retirement planning process are more likely than their peers to retain retiring clients, grow share of wallet and gain referrals.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the fundamental rules
  • Recognize the options and benefits available
  • Incorporate the collection decision into retirement plans


CFP®, CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Robert Kron


Robert Kron

Head of Advisor Education


Robert Kron’s Biography

12:15pm – 1:15pm

Check your mobile app for location.

Check your mobile app for location.

1:30pm – 3:00pm

(Also offered on Monday at 8:45am) In this YI core course Professor Tiffany reviews the historical evolution of the American economy from the beginnings of the Republic up until the…

(Also offered on Monday at 8:45am)

In this YI core course Professor Tiffany reviews the historical evolution of the American economy from the beginnings of the Republic up until the present day.

Pre-Program Videos: The course will start with three short videos, available for participant viewing at their leisure prior to the “live” sessions in March.  These required videos—approximately 45-60 minutes each– will provide background content so that the live session can focus on key issues and provide time for participant discussion.  Following viewing, all participants will be required to compose a short response (one or more paragraphs) to a given question and submit their response to the SII staff.

The first video (“Foundations”) will begin with an emphasis on the foundations for future economic growth that were created at the beginning of the Republic, and which will take us up to 1865.  In this we will emphasize how America differs from essentially all other nations of the world with its direct focus on individual property rights that were to be exercised in a capitalist market economy— rights captured in the Constitution– that continue down to the present time, and which in many respects continues to define the nation’s political issues.  We will then proceed to show how the fledgling new nation began to build an infrastructure to allow for economic expansion, including the development of an agricultural economy that relied on cheap labor and constant land acquisition.

The second video (“The Rise of ‘Big Business’”) will cover the period following the Civil War up through World War I, when a set of critical trends converged that were to shape, by the end of the 19th Century, the emergence of an economy dominated by the large industrial firm.  This period is often recognized as the “Robber Baron” era of “creative destruction” and in which the entrepreneurial “Schumpeterian Hero” leveraged new technologies that profoundly transformed America and laid the groundwork for the nation’s global economic dominance in the 20th Century. In many respects this outcome was in significant conflict with the vision of the Founding Fathers who favored a nation of small farmers and limited industrialization as the economic and social ideal—issues that still resonate today.

The third video (“The American Century—and Beyond?”) will bring the discussion up to the present time. We will first review how the US economy sank into the Great Depression following the frothy “Roaring Twenties,” and then how the outbreak of World War II set the stage for the emergence of the so-called “American Century” and the nation’s remarkable economic growth and prosperity up to the 1970s.  Yet it was at this point in time that underlying problems began to surface, even though a second “Schumpeterian Era of Creative Destruction” was creating the “new economy” of technology-dominated businesses in the latter decade of the 20th Century.  More significantly, the simultaneous advent of “globalization” emerged that by the start of the 21st Century began to threaten US world economic dominance through the rise of China and other emerging nations.  This session will necessarily discuss both the origins and consequences of the “Great Recession” of 2008 and will conclude with President Trump’s attempt to “Make America Great Again” in the profoundly changed 21st Century global economy. And this, in turn, will bring us to the commencement of the Biden Administration as it faces the central issue of sustaining America’s economic dominance going forward.

“Live” session: This will provide a forum for discussion in which all participants will be encouraged to offer their own perspective on the questions.

Learning Objectives:

  • To inform participants of the broader economic trends of the past and how these trends can affect the direction of the American economy in the 21st Century.
  • To provide participants with an appreciation of how business development and economic progress in America are closely related to the broader political, social, and legal trends that have evolved in this nation over its historical evolution.
  • To stimulate participant thinking about how the changing global political-economic environment will affect economic progress in the United States in the coming decades as the nation confronts a determined rival for global pre-eminence.


Pre-Class Assignment – Video


CFP®, CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Paul Tiffany


Paul Tiffany

Senior Lecturer (Emeritus)

Hass School of Business, University of California, Berkeley

Paul Tiffany’s Biography

(Also offered on Monday at 3:20pm) Thriving at work, high life satisfaction, happiness and resilience all require the same capacity:  the capacity to navigate difficult moments well. Our conversation considers…

(Also offered on Monday at 3:20pm)

Thriving at work, high life satisfaction, happiness and resilience all require the same capacity:  the capacity to navigate difficult moments well. Our conversation considers research from the fields of Positive Psychology and Appreciative Inquiry, fields which examine who we are at our best as individuals, teams and organizations. We’ll explore tools and perspectives that enable us to handle inner conflict, difficult conversations and moments of extraordinary stress wisely. These are tools that bring mindful awareness to any one moment and change that moment into one of opportunity; opportunity in which we not only address the stressor directly, but leverage that very conflict to become more authentic, more rooted in our strengths and values, more clear about the road ahead and more of our better selves. In other words, better leaders. Attendees will leave with experience practicing mindful pausing, identifying one’s ideal self, and leveraging positive change in themselves and others in the most challenging moments.

Learning Objectives:

  • Define the benefits of the Positive Psychology/Appreciative Inquiry approach to stress
  • Understand the research and practice behind the Ideal Selves Model
  • Apply mindful pausing to leverage resilience and clarity under stress
  • Examine the contagion effect to teams of becoming more one’s best self.


Maria Sirois


Maria Sirois

Consulting Fellow

WholeLeader/LeaderMom and WholeBeing Institute

Maria Sirois’s Biography

Confident, persuasive body language – and yes even charisma – can be broken down into its components and taught. In this session, participants will learn insights from psychology on body…

Confident, persuasive body language – and yes even charisma – can be broken down into its components and taught. In this session, participants will learn insights from psychology on body language and how it can build rapport and project confidence in order to persuade others. Through a series of interactive exercises, video analysis, and practice sessions, participants will see and experience the difference that persuasive body language makes. They will hone their abilities to read others more accurately, and to have greater choice in how they are being perceived. And, they will practice how to simultaneously project power, warmth, and presence.

Learning Objectives:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the science of charisma
  • Learn new techniques for reading and managing body language
  • Practice strategies to enhance influence


Lauren Hirshon


Lauren Hirshon

Director of Learning and Research, Leadership for a Networked World

Harvard University


The Wharton School

Lauren Hirshon’s Biography

(Also offered on Monday at 3:20pm) This session is an introduction to the emerging field of “decision science” which lies at the confluence of behavioral economics and neuroscience and deals…

(Also offered on Monday at 3:20pm)

This session is an introduction to the emerging field of “decision science” which lies at the confluence of behavioral economics and neuroscience and deals with better understanding the limits of rationality of human leaders as decision makers.  The focus is on understanding common biases and heuristics that “rationality” of decisions, the impact that personal power has on these decision processes, and how to structure organizations and processes to minimize the negative impacts of them.  The presentation includes a number of short practical exercises to highlight the limits of human rationality within all of us.  The presenter is a retired Army major general, now resident faculty at Harvard Kennedy School, who has over three decades of decision-making experience and observations of top-level leaders.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand limits to human rationality in decision making.
  • Learn individual and organizational techniques to improve quality of decision making.


CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


William Rapp


William Rapp

Major General (Ret)

U.S. Army


Rapp Leadership Group, LLC

William Rapp’s Biography

Burnout is a global phenomenon which is now recognized by the World Health Organization as “a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.”…

Burnout is a global phenomenon which is now recognized by the World Health Organization as “a
syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully
managed.” Stress is ever present in our work lives and with increasing demands, the need for higher
productivity, new skills, and time pressure, our jobs are becoming more hectic resulting in physical
exhaustion, emotional distress, lack of dedication and increased cynicism. In this module gain a
fundamental understanding of burnout and learn some scientifically researched strategies that will help
reduce the risk of burning out and increasing engagement at work.

Module Overview:


Module Topic Participants will learn to:
1 Burnout, strategies to:

  • Mitigate burnout
  • Promote engagement


  • To identify symptoms of burnout
  • To buffer against burnout through easy to adopt strategies
  • To harness stress for success as opposed to avoiding it
  • To increase their levels of engagement at work


The module is essential for the busy professional who is looking for ways to reduce the impact of
challenging work demands and increasing one’s engagement at work. This module would also be useful
for leaders in organizations who would like to influence a positive and healthy work culture that
promotes engagement. The workshop introduces skills that are not normally part of business curriculum, however, are necessary in business and personal life.


Faisal Khan

In the bestselling book, In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America’s Best Run Companies (Peters), 43 “best-in-class” companies were profiled some 35 years ago. Of the 32 public-traded entities, only…

In the bestselling book, In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America’s Best Run Companies (Peters), 43 “best-in-class” companies were profiled some 35 years ago. Of the 32 public-traded entities, only eight subsequently surpassed the growth rates of their peer group while six disappeared in the intervening years—and these were the “best-run” companies! In the decade after Built to Last (Collins) was published, 8 of the profiled 18 companies were in trouble, growing slower than their peer group.  As Steve Lohr writes in an article on Microsoft, “One of the evolutionary laws of business is that success breeds failure; the tactics and habits of earlier triumphs so often leave companies–even the biggest, most profitable and most admired companies–unable to adapt.”  Clearly, sustained competitive advantage, Michael Porter’s definition of “strategy”, is difficult to attain.  In this highly interactive seminar, Mr. Austin will outline key frameworks for identifying innovative, new avenues for growth.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the difference between “inside-out” vs. “outside-in” thinking and what it means to be “customer-centric”.
  • Identify obstacles to strategic growth and approaches for overcoming.


Pre-Class Assignment – Reading


Jim Austin


Jim Austin


The Wharton School

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Health Services, Policy and Practice

Brown University

Jim Austin’s Biography

(Also offered on Monday at 3:20pm) Do leadership traits matter? What do leaders do?  Who are leaders?  Do males and females see leadership in different ways? The session builds on…

(Also offered on Monday at 3:20pm)

Do leadership traits matter? What do leaders do?  Who are leaders?  Do males and females see leadership in different ways? The session builds on the instructor’s exploratory study of thousands of student-generated images and essays in order to answer these questions. In advance of the class, participants are asked to: 1. Consider, “What is the essence of leadership” 2. Find or create an image that captures their understanding. 3. Write a short (100 word) response explaining why. By the end of the session, participants will have a better understanding of their own assumptions about leadership, of how men and women see leadership the same and differently, and of how they might move from awareness to action.

Learning Objectives:

  • Discover implicit perceptions of leadership
  • Realize similarities and differences in perceptions
  • Reflect on how to close the gap between awareness and action


Pre-Class Assignment – Short Exercise


Anne Greenhalgh


Anne Greenhalgh

Deputy Director, Anne and John McNulty Leadership Program

The Wharton School

Adjunct Professor of Management

The Wharton School

Anne Greenhalgh’s Biography

(Also offered on Monday at 3:20pm) As organizations and individuals, we are all facing tremendous challenges. The pandemic has created stress, anxiety, and exhaustion for many. Businesses have been forced…

(Also offered on Monday at 3:20pm)

As organizations and individuals, we are all facing tremendous challenges. The pandemic has created stress, anxiety, and exhaustion for many. Businesses have been forced to reinvent themselves overnight. To successfully navigate these difficulties, it is essential to develop a high level of resilience.

Resilience is defined by most as the ability to recover from setbacks, adapt well to change and keep going in the face of adversity. It includes elements such as grit, determination, curiosity, and a staunch acceptance of reality buttressed by firmly held values and empathy. Fortunately, many aspects of resilience can be learned.

Learning Objectives:

  • Explore what situations call for a resilient mindset
  • Understand how self-efficacy and the imposter syndrome impact resilience
  • Learn about an interesting idea called the “Stockdale Paradox”
  • Look at how people react to what they perceive as a negative change
  • Examine what it takes to create a resilient organization
  • Learn specific skills to increase your level of resilience


John Spence


John Spence

Managing Partner

John Spence, LLC

John Spence’s Biography

1:30pm – 4:50pm

This session will involve an experiential case where participants will play the role of a board facing an unexpected and shocking ethical crisis.  The case is episodic, allowing participants to make…

This session will involve an experiential case where participants will play the role of a board facing an unexpected and shocking ethical crisis.  The case is episodic, allowing participants to make decisions as they obtain new information.  The case will provide participants an opportunity to grapple with important contemporary issues including, i) how to balance stakeholder and shareholder interests, ii) how leaders balance considerations of transparency and control when faced with damaging internal information, iii) how to structure an internal corporate investigation, and iv) how to determine whether an ethical lapse is an individual versus organizational issue.   A former federal prosecutor will join Professor McDonnell in debriefing the case to shed additional light on its legal and investigative components.


CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Mary-Hunter McDonnell


Mary-Hunter McDonnell

Bantwal Family Goldman Sachs Presidential Associate Professor of Management

Faculty Co-Director, Zicklin Center for Corporate Governance

The Wharton School

Mary-Hunter McDonnell’s Biography

The world we live in is increasingly Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA). Because of this, professionals from many industries require a high level of creative problem solving and innovation in their…

The world we live in is increasingly Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA). Because of this, professionals from many industries require a high level of creative problem solving and innovation in their work. It is increasingly clear that the way we have done things in the past is no longer likely to be the way we do things in the future.

Design Thinking is a creative problem-solving methodology that can help business leaders find new, creative solutions to increasingly complex global challenges. This session will introduce the basic elements of design thinking, including empathy, ideation, and iteration and provide examples of how to use those techniques to develop new products, identify new business opportunities, and re-design internal operations. Participants will learn a human-centered approach for generating and evaluating new ideas and will identify opportunities to apply that process in their daily work.

Through interactive experiences in the Design Thinking course, attendees will:

  • Learn the key principles of design thinking and consider how they might apply these skills and practices to their own work
  • Learn how to develop empathy with stakeholders and translate their needs into innovative ideas
  • Practice ideation and rapid prototyping techniques to generate better ideas faster



Sarah Rottenberg


Sarah Rottenberg

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Design

University of Pennsylvania

Executive Director, IPD Program

University of Pennsylvania

Sarah Rottenberg’s Biography

(Also offered on Tuesday at 8:45am) This is an interactive, group decision-making simulation.  You will be working as a team to make a series of decisions under uncertainty. You will…

(Also offered on Tuesday at 8:45am)

This is an interactive, group decision-making simulation.  You will be working as a team to make a series of decisions under uncertainty. You will navigate as a team to cooperate and compete with other teams.  Success in this simulation requires teamwork, strong communication and persuasion skills, and building trust.

Pre-Class Assignment – Reading


Maurice Schweitzer


Maurice Schweitzer

Cecilia Yen Koo Professor; Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions; Professor of Management

The Wharton School

Maurice Schweitzer’s Biography

Design thinking is a customer / user-centric approach used for solving business challenges by working in collaborative, diverse teams and employing an accelerated rapid prototyping / test and learn sprint…

Design thinking is a customer / user-centric approach used for solving business challenges by working in collaborative, diverse teams and employing an accelerated rapid prototyping / test and learn sprint format.  This approach can be used to solve for both customer engagement and operational challenges. In fact, the design thinking approach and mindset can be targeted towards nearly all business challenges.  The best way to learn about adopting design thinking is to “just do it”.   This extended and interactive participation session will actively demonstrate the application of design thinking to solve for a challenge statement which will have been previously identified by SII participants.  Participants will work together in small teams facilitated by Elixirr’s design thinking experts to design, rapidly prototype and peer test a solution.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understanding of the key principles and concepts of design thinking, as well as how it can be used within the enterprise to design, develop, and launch new propositions to market and / or to drive operational efficiencies and better user experiences in-house
  • First-hand experience of how to apply the design thinking approach to challenges within Financial Services (which participants can adopt immediately after)
  • Insight into how to solve for a specific and relevant challenge statement (which will be identified by SII members) – this includes challenge statement development, researching key trends / pain points / opportunities, using outside-in thinking of “what good looks like” to inspire the solution design process, rapid prototyping sprints, customer testing, iterative design, and pitching a solution


Pre-Class Assignment – Reading


CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Lauren Kauffman, William Persing, John Stefani


Lauren Kauffman



Lauren Kauffman’s Biography

William Persing



William Persing’s Biography

John Stefani



John Stefani’s Biography

3:20pm – 4:50pm

(Also offered on Tuesday at 10:35am) Everyone agrees that people, firms, and the financial industry in general need good ethics. But this only prompts the question. What does it mean…

(Also offered on Tuesday at 10:35am)

Everyone agrees that people, firms, and the financial industry in general need good ethics. But this only prompts the question. What does it mean to be ethical? Unfortunately, most of the answers we hear on this question are talking about something else. In this session, Professor Peter Conti-Brown takes participants on a tour of unlearning by showing how ethical decision-making differs from marketing, law, compliance, and morality. Instead, ethical decision-making is about values and business strategy, not peripheral to the day-to-day, but central to it. Using examples from the financial services and other industries, Conti-Brown challenges participants to think hard about the ongoing challenge not only to identify unethical behavior but the more difficult task of building ethical individuals, teams, and firms.


CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Peter Conti-Brown


Peter Conti-Brown

Class of 1965 Associate Professor of Financial Regulation

The Wharton School

Nonresident Fellow in Economic Studies

The Brookings Institution

Peter Conti-Brown’s Biography

(Also offered on Monday at 1:30pm) Thriving at work, high life satisfaction, happiness and resilience all require the same capacity:  the capacity to navigate difficult moments well. Our conversation considers…

(Also offered on Monday at 1:30pm)

Thriving at work, high life satisfaction, happiness and resilience all require the same capacity:  the capacity to navigate difficult moments well. Our conversation considers research from the fields of Positive Psychology and Appreciative Inquiry, fields which examine who we are at our best as individuals, teams and organizations. We’ll explore tools and perspectives that enable us to handle inner conflict, difficult conversations and moments of extraordinary stress wisely. These are tools that bring mindful awareness to any one moment and change that moment into one of opportunity; opportunity in which we not only address the stressor directly, but leverage that very conflict to become more authentic, more rooted in our strengths and values, more clear about the road ahead and more of our better selves. In other words, better leaders. Attendees will leave with experience practicing mindful pausing, identifying one’s ideal self, and leveraging positive change in themselves and others in the most challenging moments.

Learning Objectives:

  • Define the benefits of the Positive Psychology/Appreciative Inquiry approach to stress
  • Understand the research and practice behind the Ideal Selves Model
  • Apply mindful pausing to leverage resilience and clarity under stress
  • Examine the contagion effect to teams of becoming more one’s best self


Maria Sirois


Maria Sirois

Consulting Fellow

WholeLeader/LeaderMom and WholeBeing Institute

Maria Sirois’s Biography

(Also offered on Monday at 1:30pm) This session is an introduction to the emerging field of “decision science” which lies at the confluence of behavioral economics and neuroscience and deals…

(Also offered on Monday at 1:30pm)

This session is an introduction to the emerging field of “decision science” which lies at the confluence of behavioral economics and neuroscience and deals with better understanding the limits of rationality of human leaders as decision makers.  The focus is on understanding common biases and heuristics that “rationality” of decisions, the impact that personal power has on these decision processes, and how to structure organizations and processes to minimize the negative impacts of them.  The presentation includes a number of short practical exercises to highlight the limits of human rationality within all of us.  The presenter is a retired Army major general, now resident faculty at Harvard Kennedy School, who has over three decades of decision-making experience and observations of top-level leaders.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand limits to human rationality in decision making.
  • Learn individual and organizational techniques to improve quality of decision making.


CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


William Rapp


William Rapp

Major General (Ret)

U.S. Army


Rapp Leadership Group, LLC

William Rapp’s Biography

(Also offered on Monday at 1:30pm) Do leadership traits matter? What do leaders do?  Who are leaders?  Do males and females see leadership in different ways? The session builds on…

(Also offered on Monday at 1:30pm)

Do leadership traits matter? What do leaders do?  Who are leaders?  Do males and females see leadership in different ways? The session builds on the instructor’s exploratory study of thousands of student-generated images and essays in order to answer these questions. In advance of the class, participants are asked to: 1. Consider, “What is the essence of leadership” 2. Find or create an image that captures their understanding. 3. Write a short (100 word) response explaining why. By the end of the session, participants will have a better understanding of their own assumptions about leadership, of how men and women see leadership the same and differently, and of how they might move from awareness to action.

Learning Objectives:

  • Discover implicit perceptions of leadership
  • Realize similarities and differences in perceptions
  • Reflect on how to close the gap between awareness and action


Pre-Class Assignment – Short Exercise


Anne Greenhalgh


Anne Greenhalgh

Deputy Director, Anne and John McNulty Leadership Program

The Wharton School

Adjunct Professor of Management

The Wharton School

Anne Greenhalgh’s Biography

(Also offered on Wednesday at 1:30pm) Why do we fall prey to the “art of the con”?  Why do some individuals gain support for their ideas in meetings, while others…

(Also offered on Wednesday at 1:30pm)

Why do we fall prey to the “art of the con”?  Why do some individuals gain support for their ideas in meetings, while others seemingly languish?  At the core of any organization’s performance are the decisions that leaders make…those financial, strategic, human resource, marketing and leadership decisions that in the end determine an organization’s performance. Thus, understanding how to improve decision-making is a truly fundamental leadership requirement. In this session, we will discuss the decision “traps” most commonly observed. These biases are unfortunately widespread because they are in large part determined by how the human brain operates. Drawing on recent research, this session will expose participants to decision biases through short exercises and offer ways to alleviate them.  Issues to be covered: outlining the components of great “cons”; establishing “the problem” to be solved; making a decision; and, building trust.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand how we are all susceptible to “irrational” decisions in certain situations
  • Ways to spot such biases within one’s own organization or team
  • Frameworks to counteract decision biases


Pre-Class Assignment – Reading


CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Jim Austin


Jim Austin


The Wharton School

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Health Services, Policy and Practice

Brown University

Jim Austin’s Biography

Workplace interactions can create extraordinary engagement and vigor that allow people and organizations to thrive, or they can have the opposite effect. This workshop explores the difference between the two.…

Workplace interactions can create extraordinary engagement and vigor that allow people and organizations to thrive, or they can have the opposite effect. This workshop explores the difference between the two. Our interactions at work, however brief or extended they might be, have qualities that if better understood can allow us to harness the positive impacts of them. Gaining insights into these qualities is essential for us to perform at our best. We are social beings that require a connection; many argue that most of the work in organizations is conducted through informal methods and networks based on our connections. While communication is one way we connect, if done correctly it can bind us, or if done incorrectly it can alienate us. The workshop will help participants understand distinctions between communicating and connecting for results. Drawing from psychological and management research on positive emotions, relationships, and connections at work; participants will learn how to create and then harness high-quality connections for the benefit of all.

Learning Objectives:

  • To understand the meaning and importance of connecting with others.
  • To become aware of the research based criteria that help create high-quality connections.
  • Learn techniques that help conversations become more engaging and lead to the building of connections.
  • Recognize how we create value for each other at work and use this awareness to build connections.


Faisal Khan

(Also offered on Monday at 1:30pm) As organizations and individuals, we are all facing tremendous challenges. The pandemic has created stress, anxiety, and exhaustion for many. Businesses have been forced…

(Also offered on Monday at 1:30pm)

As organizations and individuals, we are all facing tremendous challenges. The pandemic has created stress, anxiety, and exhaustion for many. Businesses have been forced to reinvent themselves overnight. To successfully navigate these difficulties, it is essential to develop a high level of resilience.

Resilience is defined by most as the ability to recover from setbacks, adapt well to change and keep going in the face of adversity. It includes elements such as grit, determination, curiosity, and a staunch acceptance of reality buttressed by firmly held values and empathy. Fortunately, many aspects of resilience can be learned.

Learning Objectives:

  • Explore what situations call for a resilient mindset
  • Understand how self-efficacy and the imposter syndrome impact resilience
  • Learn about an interesting idea called the “Stockdale Paradox”
  • Look at how people react to what they perceive as a negative change
  • Examine what it takes to create a resilient organization
  • Learn specific skills to increase your level of resilience


John Spence


John Spence

Managing Partner

John Spence, LLC

John Spence’s Biography

7:15am – 8:15am

Breakfast will be served at all SII hotel properties.

Breakfast will be served at all SII hotel properties.

8:45am – 10:15am

Public policy always impacts economies and financial markets. Such impacts are particularly pronounced now. The uncertainty surrounding trade, fiscal, geopolitical, and monetary policy is contributing to heightened market volatility. Federal…

Public policy always impacts economies and financial markets. Such impacts are particularly pronounced now. The uncertainty surrounding trade, fiscal, geopolitical, and monetary policy is contributing to heightened market volatility.

Federal budgetary policy, termed fiscal policy, has been and will be a driving force. The pandemic cost the US 22 million jobs in March and April 2020. An expansionary fiscal policy, starting with the $2.3 trillion CARES act, help lift the economy but at the cost of a $3.1 trillion federal deficit in 2020. Trillions of added spending led to another fiscal deficit of roughly $3 trillion in 2021.  This was before any spending coming from the infrastructure or ‘build back better’ proposals by President Biden. Pre-pandemic, the Tax Reform package was the major economic initiative of the Trump administration and Congress. We will analyze the economic and financial impacts of recent fiscal policies. The tax cuts likely contributed to the “Trump bump” in economic growth and the stock market during 2019. However, the tax cuts increased the Federal Government deficit, even before it exploded during the pandemic. We will discuss possible future scenarios.

Fiscal deficits imply government borrowing, achieved by issuing more Treasury Securities. Thus, deficits add into a Gross Federal Debt that jumped significantly to roughly $30 trillion. A massive increase from $23.5 trillion a mere two years ago.  If the deficits increase as forecast over the next decade, will the US government debt become so large that people will not want to hold it? If so, bond prices would decline, market interest rates would rise, and the sustainability of the debt will become a crucial issue. For now, the historically low interest rates are keeping the US debt burden in check.

Further, government deficits can exacerbate trade deficits. This seems to be the case in the US in recent years, and probably during recent decades.  The trade deficits led President Trump to turn toward protectionist trade policy. Trump’s trade policies risked trade wars, especially with China, resulted in an improved “new NAFTA,” which he renamed USMCA, and added uncertainty to the financial outlook.  The world awaits more information on President Biden’s trade policies, which for now mainly continue Trump’s policies. The impact on business and markets of potential new trade policies will be analyzed.

The US faces many geopolitical risks and international “hot spots” of potential conflict; thus, policy towards national security will be crucial. Impacts are likely to be felt during 2022 and beyond in the economy, in business opportunities, in financial markets, and in the Biden approach to foreign policy.

The ultimate goal of this elective is to engage SII participants in an exploration of relevant US policies now and in the future.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the evolution of fiscal policy in the US. Fiscal, which is federal budgetary policy, is a key determinant of the performance of the US economy and financial markets. Participants will develop and/or update their skills analyzing the theory and practice of fiscal policy. Real-world data and trends will enhance learning.
  • The tax reform package was the major new economic policy during the Trump administration. Fiscal stimulus then went into overdrive with the CARES act to stave off economic depression. Further massive new spending packages resulted in fiscal deficits of about $3 trillion in each of 2020 and 2021.
  • International trade policy turned protectionist during the Trump administration. However, progress was then made on some fronts, such as modernizing NAFTA into the USMCA. We will analyze how trade policy may evolve now. Trade policy clearly impacts financial markets; however, the channels of impact and the magnitude of impact are subject to considerable debate.
  • In our global and volatile world, public policies, such as those dealing with national security and potential international conflict, take on added importance. Analyzing the impacts of various government policies is the ultimate objective.


CFP®, CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Jeffrey Rosensweig


Jeffrey Rosensweig

Director of the John Robson Program for Business, Public Policy, and Government

Goizueta Business School, Emory University

Jeffrey Rosensweig’s Biography

Everyone has something they want to change. Advisors want to change the client’s minds and leaders want to change organizations. Employees want to change their boss’ minds, Startups want to…

Everyone has something they want to change. Advisors want to change the client’s minds and leaders want to change organizations. Employees want to change their boss’ minds, Startups want to change industries, and non-profits want to change the world. But change is hard. We push and push, but often nothing happens. Could there be a better way? The Catalyst: How to Change Anyone’s Mind introduces a revolutionary approach to change. Successful change isn’t about pushing harder or exerting more energy. It’s about removing barriers. Overcoming resistance by reducing friction and lowering the hurdles to action.  Discover the five hidden factors that impede change, and how by mitigating them, you can change anything.


Learning Objectives:

  • Learn why pushing doesn’t work, and what does
  • Learn the five key barriers that stymie change, and how to mitigate them.


Jonah Berger


Jonah Berger

Professor of Marketing

The Wharton School

Jonah Berger’s Biography

(Also offered on Wednesday at 1:30pm) In this elective course Professor Tiffany will review the origins of the current global economy and how the recent Presidential election might affect international…

(Also offered on Wednesday at 1:30pm)

In this elective course Professor Tiffany will review the origins of the current global economy and how the recent Presidential election might affect international political-economic relations going forward.  The presentation will be preceded by a required short video that participants may view at their leisure prior to the “live” session in Philadelphia.  The video will provide background content so that live session can focus exclusively on current issues and allow sufficient time for participant discussion.  To facilitate this, all attendees will be required to submit a written response (one or more paragraphs) to a given question regarding the video content.

The US elections of 2020 created a potentially profound shift in recent American economic policy, both domestic and global. At the national level there are questions regarding the fate of Trump era corporate tax and business regulation statutes, while in the international arena the prior President staked out positions radically different from those of the post-World War II “Bretton Woods System” engineered by the US.  This latter political-economic regime guided much of the world as “globalization” took hold and many Emerging Nations—especially China—prospered in what was termed the “neoliberal order.” Yet one critical result of Trump’s nationalistic “America First” agenda has been deep uncertainty about the future prospects of international trade policies, which played a significant role in the overall growth of global prosperity for the past 70 years. This is especially critical for the domestic financial services industry which has grown significantly due to globalization. But with Trump no longer in the White House will his “New World Order” of “economic nationalism” remain, or will his policies be seen as little more than a brief deviation from the liberalization of trade (and global politics) of the recent past?  Regardless of the answer, the effects will be profound for America’s economy and the prospects of many US-based firms including those in financial services, to say nothing of the nation’s citizens themselves.

Learning Objectives:

  • To inform participants of the broader economic and political global trends of the recent past and how these may affect the direction of the American economy in the 21st Century going forward.
  • To attempt to put the current political situation of a Biden Presidency into a framework that can provide insight to potential economic shifts in the world economy and the financial services industry.
  • To stimulate participant thinking about how the changing global political-economic environment will affect economic progress in the United States in the coming decades ahead as a resurgent China makes claims for global leadership.


Pre-Class Assignment – Video


CFP®, CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Paul Tiffany


Paul Tiffany

Senior Lecturer (Emeritus)

Hass School of Business, University of California, Berkeley

Paul Tiffany’s Biography

We all know how we entered this new decade, but how we emerge has the ability to be vastly different— for better or worse.  Learn about the four transformative security…

We all know how we entered this new decade, but how we emerge has the ability to be vastly different— for better or worse.  Learn about the four transformative security technologies that are rolling out all around us, and will impact your job, your clients, your business, and the integrity and security of the financial sector as a whole.  Soon we will have to decide how we’re going to adapt to instant networks with everything, with identities as easy to fake as be real, with thousands of connected ’things’ influencing and reporting on us, and with communications able to be deciphered or distorted by adversaries.  This decade will not the time to stand pat, but to understand, adapt, and fully leverage these new technologies in the best interest in all stakeholders.  This class will lay out the direction governments and industry are moving and provide you the basis for making the best decisions for this decade and how to emerge stronger.  Join Tom Patterson, the co-lead for the National Cyber Moonshot which is focused on a national strategy to make the Internet safe and secure by the end of this decade.


CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Tom Patterson


Tom Patterson

Managing Director, Emerging Technology Security


Tom Patterson’s Biography

(Also offered on Wednesday at 10:35am and 3:20pm) The two challenges senior leaders cite, across industries, that are amplified in the time of a global pandemic are a high level…

(Also offered on Wednesday at 10:35am and 3:20pm)

The two challenges senior leaders cite, across industries, that are amplified in the time of a global pandemic are a high level of uncertainty and the need to balance short term and long-term needs and objectives.  Leaders in financial services face similar concerns, particularly as the global pandemic has accelerated the need for a clear digital strategy. This session interactively discusses these challenges in the context of making strategic decisions effectively.  Specifically, participants are provided five best practices that are important in “normal” conditions but are absolutely critical in a VUCA environment.  Current anecdotes supplement empirical research.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize the most important best practices in a very dynamic environment
  • Understand the importance of establishing making a decision by developing concrete strategic decision rights
  • Identify key future trends and uncertainties for the organization in order to build agility in achieving positive results


CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Kathy Pearson


Kathy Pearson

President and Founder

Enterprise Learning Solutions

Kathy Pearson’s Biography

8:45am – 12:05pm

(Also offered on Monday at 1:30pm) This is an interactive, group decision-making simulation.  You will be working as a team to make a series of decisions under uncertainty. You will…

(Also offered on Monday at 1:30pm)

This is an interactive, group decision-making simulation.  You will be working as a team to make a series of decisions under uncertainty. You will navigate as a team to cooperate and compete with other teams.  Success in this simulation requires teamwork, strong communication and persuasion skills, and building trust.


Pre-Class Assignment – Reading


Maurice Schweitzer


Maurice Schweitzer

Cecilia Yen Koo Professor; Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions; Professor of Management

The Wharton School

Maurice Schweitzer’s Biography

10:35am – 12:05pm

(Also offered on Monday at 3:20pm) Everyone agrees that people, firms, and the financial industry in general need good ethics. But this only prompts the question. What does it mean…

(Also offered on Monday at 3:20pm)

Everyone agrees that people, firms, and the financial industry in general need good ethics. But this only prompts the question. What does it mean to be ethical? Unfortunately, most of the answers we hear on this question are talking about something else. In this session, Professor Peter Conti-Brown takes participants on a tour of unlearning by showing how ethical decision-making differs from marketing, law, compliance, and morality. Instead, ethical decision-making is about values and business strategy, not peripheral to the day-to-day, but central to it. Using examples from the financial services and other industries, Conti-Brown challenges participants to think hard about the ongoing challenge not only to identify unethical behavior but the more difficult task of building ethical individuals, teams, and firms.


CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Peter Conti-Brown


Peter Conti-Brown

Class of 1965 Associate Professor of Financial Regulation

The Wharton School

Nonresident Fellow in Economic Studies

The Brookings Institution

Peter Conti-Brown’s Biography

(Also offered on Tuesday at 1:30pm) This program addresses the major innovations that will impact not just the business world but the entire world in the next decade. These are…

(Also offered on Tuesday at 1:30pm)

This program addresses the major innovations that will impact not just the business world but the entire world in the next decade. These are not “what if” ideas, but trends, technologies and innovations that exist today that will have a direct impact on you, your firm and your clients. John created this session through his personal interactions with many of the world’s top thought leaders who are driving this change. Some of the topics include:

  • Computer speed, deep learning, and big data
  • Artificial intelligence
  • The Internet of things
  • Robotics
  • Virtual reality
  • Augmented reality
  • Amazon = anything, Airbnb = anyplace, LinkedIn = anyone

Learning Objectives:

  • Gain an understanding of the significant changes that will impact your organization
  • Understand the importance of being a prepared and agile organization, leader, and individual contributor
  • Identify strategies and action steps for being proactive in the face of disruptive challenges

The information delivered will greatly challenge the audience to examine their businesses today on how they will have to be positioned in the coming years to continue to be successful.


John Spence


John Spence

Managing Partner

John Spence, LLC

John Spence’s Biography

Ever wish you could be more influential?  Be better at motivating yourself and others?  Make smarter decisions and shape group opinion? This talk will show you how.  Wharton professor Jonah…

Ever wish you could be more influential?  Be better at motivating yourself and others?  Make smarter decisions and shape group opinion? This talk will show you how.  Wharton professor Jonah Berger will share insights from his new bestseller, Invisible Influence.  Influence is a powerful tool, but to harness that power, we have to understand how it works.  You’ll learn why others make us faster runner but worse parallel parkers, why elite athletes tend to have older siblings, and what Goldilocks can teach us about launching successful products and ideas. You’ll never look at your own behavior –or the behavior of others—the same way again.

Learning Objectives:

  • Increase your influence
  • Better understand how influence works, and how to take advantage of its power


Jonah Berger


Jonah Berger

Professor of Marketing

The Wharton School

Jonah Berger’s Biography

(Also offered on Wednesday at 10:35am) Most leaders are good at focusing on short-term requirements such as next quarter’s results or current competitor moves.  The problem is that in times…

(Also offered on Wednesday at 10:35am)

Most leaders are good at focusing on short-term requirements such as next quarter’s results or current competitor moves.  The problem is that in times of change and uncertainty, short-term initiatives leave entities vulnerable to missing or underplaying dramatic market changes or emergent new competitors.

Based on the work by Paul Schoemaker and George Day, as detailed in their recent book, See Sooner, Act Faster: How Vigilant Leaders Thrive in an Era of Digital Turbulence, this seminar will outline how vigilant leaders enable their organizations to:

  • Monitor diverse inputs
  • Combine disparate inputs into longer-term, more robust strategic choices.

Learning Objectives:

  • Explore what it means to be a “vigilant leader”
  • Outline the components to a broad monitoring system, taking precautions against unexpected events
  • Learn ways to translate such foresight into longer-term, strategic choices



Jim Austin


Jim Austin


The Wharton School

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Health Services, Policy and Practice

Brown University

Jim Austin’s Biography

(Also offered on Tuesday at 1:30pm) Participants will learn how to conduct an effective After Action Review and will participate in the “Crossing the River” exercise, a practical application of…

(Also offered on Tuesday at 1:30pm)

Participants will learn how to conduct an effective After Action Review and will participate in the “Crossing the River” exercise, a practical application of leadership, innovation and strategy in a challenging team environment. Participants will learn a cutting-edge technique called the “After Action Review.” The After Action Review (AAR) is used by many organizations, including the U.S Army, Navy Seals, Police and Fire Departments, surgical and trauma teams, and more recently, corporations to create a learning culture and focus on continuous improvement and sharing best practices across teams and organizations. Leaders can leverage the AAR to implement and reinforce change efforts, improve process execution, shape culture and influence employees to learn from past performance.

Learning Objectives:

  • Participants learn and practice a method to enhance a team’s capacity to perform, learn and adapt to change through a collaborative learning process emphasizing collective accountability.
  • Participants engage in an experience requiring team strategy development and execution
  • Participants learn the After Action Review Process, and the importance of balancing learning and performance culture
  • Participants are able to better understand innovation leadership and adaptive leadership through participation in the exercise and “debrief”
  • Teams participate in multiple iterations of the simulation, using the After Action Review as a means to discuss and improve team performance
  • Participants learn how to develop a collaborative, open, candid, innovative team- learning environment


Todd Henshaw


Todd Henshaw

President and Founder

Leader Development Associates

Senior Fellow, Center for Leadership and Change Management

The Wharton School

Todd Henshaw’s Biography

Our thoughts heavily influence our behavior. Having deliberate frameworks to organize our thoughts can thus help influence our behavior for the better. This session is a research-based introduction to such…

Our thoughts heavily influence our behavior. Having deliberate frameworks to organize our thoughts
can thus help influence our behavior for the better. This session is a research-based introduction to such
frameworks. The skills learned in the module are a steppingstone to sustainable behavioral change,
supporting ways in which people can thrive despite adversity. The module targets three of the
researched mental frameworks that help build resilience, improve mental health, and help counter
stress. The techniques are also useful to those seeking to improve engagement at work. The hands-on
module is designed to help participants practice skills in class and leave with easy to use tools that can
be practically applied in their lives.


Module Overview:

Module Topic Participants will learn to
1 Mental Agility:

  • Practical frameworks
    for mental agility
  • Resilient mindset


  • Adopt easy to use tools to function with clarity of thought during
    challenging times
  • Develop a resilient mindset to fight adversity and invite growth
  • Develop skills to adopt an optimistic outlook in the face of adversity



The module would be particularly useful for anyone who is having difficulty bouncing back from
adversity, facing stress, or has a hard time coping with work demands. The workshop is geared to
develop skills that are not traditionally taught in business curriculum, however, are necessary in business and personal life.


Faisal Khan

(Also offered on Tuesday at 3:20pm and Wednesday at 10:35am, 1:30pm and 3:20pm)  The ability to negotiate productively is a critical part of both business and personal success. In this…

(Also offered on Tuesday at 3:20pm and Wednesday at 10:35am, 1:30pm and 3:20pm) 

The ability to negotiate productively is a critical part of both business and personal success. In this interactive session we will identify what your negotiation style is and the pros and cons of using it in certain situations.  In addition, we will conduct a mock negotiation that is both fun and challenging.  The mock negotiation will highlight several key concepts in negotiation, assist you in thinking about negotiation strategically, and help you improve the outcomes of your future negotiations.


Pre-Class Assignment – Questionnaire


Eric Max


Eric Max

Senior Lecturer

The Wharton School

Eric Max’s Biography

(Also offered on Tuesday at 1:30pm) Effective leaders recognize they must carefully manage both the external and internal environment.  They inspire, provide clarity of purpose, seek diversity of thought and…

(Also offered on Tuesday at 1:30pm)

Effective leaders recognize they must carefully manage both the external and internal environment.  They inspire, provide clarity of purpose, seek diversity of thought and contrary views, and build a culture of trust.  Leaders also develop a keen awareness of external forces and turn threats into opportunities by building an organizational capability of adaptability.  In short, leaders build a PERCEPTIVE organization that is poised to achieve and maintain sustainable positive results.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the importance of building a perceptive organization to meet today’s business challenges
  • Articulate specific leadership behaviors that can create an appropriate vigilant culture
  • Better prepare for an uncertain future by building agility into their strategy


Kathy Pearson


Kathy Pearson

President and Founder

Enterprise Learning Solutions

Kathy Pearson’s Biography

(Also offered on Tuesday at 3:20pm) Chris Maxwell’s research shows that world-class mountain guides embody six key leadership strengths, and that these same strengths have a significant impact when applied…

(Also offered on Tuesday at 3:20pm)

Chris Maxwell’s research shows that world-class mountain guides embody six key leadership strengths, and that these same strengths have a significant impact when applied within organizations.  From lessons learned from his travels with expert guides on mountain peaks and high trails around the world, Maxwell reveals that guides are socially intelligent, adaptable, empowering, trust-builders, risk-aware, and focused on the big picture.  Organizational leaders who model these six leadership strengths will build more effective teams, actively support the vision of the organization, and uplift the people who work to make that vision a reality.  Session participants will have an opportunity to reflect on the six leadership strengths of guides and complete a self-assessment.  Chris’ book, Lead Like a Guide:  How World-Class Mountain Guides Inspire Us to Be Better Leaders was published by Praeger in 2016.

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the six leadership strengths of world-class guides
  • Explain how these strengths relate to professional organizations
  • Identify opportunities for application within your own profession


Chris Maxwell


Chris Maxwell

Senior Fellow, Center for Leadership and Change Management

The Wharton School

Chris Maxwell’s Biography

Working virtually, remotely or as part of a hybrid team have become the new normal. Being part of a hybrid team requires employees to embrace different ways of working. In…

Working virtually, remotely or as part of a hybrid team have become the new normal. Being part of a hybrid team requires employees to embrace different ways of working. In this session, you will explore the benefits and challenges of working virtually and learn how to make the most of your work world. You will have time to connect with colleagues and talk about your experiences and how to fully lean into the hybrid environment and continue to contribute in a meaningful way.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify ways to manage your productivity, stress and provide empathy in a hybrid environment.
  • Examine common challenges in a hybrid work environment
  • Explore best practices for self-care and tips for working from home and for managing stress
  • Supporting others in the team with continuous networking


Deborah Barrett


Deborah Barrett

Executive Coach and Facilitator


Deborah Barrett’s Biography

12:15pm – 1:15pm

Check your mobile app for location.

Check your mobile app for location.

1:30pm – 3:00pm

(Also offered on Wednesday at 8:45am and Thursday at 1:30pm) In this elective course Professor Tiffany will review the origins of the current economic rivalry between the Peoples Republic of…

(Also offered on Wednesday at 8:45am and Thursday at 1:30pm)

In this elective course Professor Tiffany will review the origins of the current economic rivalry between the Peoples Republic of China and the USA, and how the recent US Presidential election might affect this critical relationship.  Participants will initially view a short 30-minute video at their leisure prior to the “live” session in Philadelphia; this will provide background content so that the live session can focus on key issues and allow time for participant discussion. To facilitate this, all participants will be required to submit a short written response (one or more paragraphs) to a given question on the content and submit this to SII administrators prior to the live session, at which time they will be encouraged to engage with one another and Professor Tiffany regarding their perspectives.

Ideal for: Participants who want to improve their appreciation of and insights regarding the current political economy of the Peoples Republic of China, and how that nation’s economic expansion affects the future of the economy (and global power) of the USA.

The rise of China since the 1990s has been the most significant economic event in the world in recent times; indeed, it is in many ways the key element of “globalization.”  However, the actions of the Trump Administration, as well as that President’s frequent outbursts regarding America’s relationship with China, has created great uncertainty about the future (including in financial markets) that must be directly addressed by the Biden Administration.  Today the US appears to be at a crossroads about how it will respond in the coming years to China’s political and economic evolution. China’s political leadership claims the US is a declining nation and wants to prevent “the peaceful rise of China;” US officials claim that all they want is for China to “play by the rules” and that a reinvigorated American economy will result in continued global strength. So who is right—and why does it matter?

This elective session will first briefly review the remarkable rise of the Chinese economy from the rise of Mao in the mid-20th Century to the current era of the early 21st Century.  We will focus on the historical roots of this transformation, and how these forces have shaped the current attitudes and perspectives of the Chinese leadership towards economic priorities, growth, and relations with its expanding off-shore business involvements.  We will then turn specific attention to the prospects for future political-economic relations between the PRC and the USA against a backdrop that many assert to be the end of the “American Century” and the outset of the “Pacific Century.”   Participants will be challenged to consider how the many benefits of “doing business with China” for American firms must be balanced against the ultimate ends and goals of that nation as they relate to the value proposition of the United States—which includes respect for democracy, capitalism and a market-based economy, ownership of intellectual property rights, free trade, a rules-based world order, human rights– and America’s own ambitions in the decades ahead.

Learning Objectives:

  • Have a better understanding of the evolution of the contemporary Chinese economy and how that historical development has shaped the attitudes and perspectives of China’s leadership toward business and investment activities within the country, and abroad.
  • Increase their awareness of the opportunities and threats posed to US-based investors who choose to operate within the confines of the Chinese economy today.
  • Better comprehend the looming challenge that China represents to the long-standing hegemony of the United States as the world’s leading nation– and what implications for America stem from the recent “rise of China.”


Pre-Class Assignment – Video


CFP®, CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Paul Tiffany


Paul Tiffany

Senior Lecturer (Emeritus)

Hass School of Business, University of California, Berkeley

Paul Tiffany’s Biography

Why do certain products, services, and ideas catch on, and how can we use these insights to make our own stuff more successful?  This session will reveal the secret science…

Why do certain products, services, and ideas catch on, and how can we use these insights to make our own stuff more successful?  This session will reveal the secret science behind word-of-mouth and social transmission. Discover how six simple principles drive all sorts of things to become popular. If you’ve ever wondered why certain information gets shared, brands get more word of mouth, or ideas take off, this session explains why, and shows how to leverage these concepts to make your own products and ideas catch on.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn how to leverage presented concepts to generate more word of mouth and referrals.
  • Learn actionable techniques for helping information spread—for designing messages, ideas, and information that people will share.


Jonah Berger


Jonah Berger

Professor of Marketing

The Wharton School

Jonah Berger’s Biography

(Also offered on Wednesday at 3:20pm) High performance requires effective execution and, for many organizations, change management. Unfortunately, major change efforts have a dismal track record. In multiple studies, highlighting…

(Also offered on Wednesday at 3:20pm)

High performance requires effective execution and, for many organizations, change management. Unfortunately, major change efforts have a dismal track record. In multiple studies, highlighting the experiences of hundreds of companies initiating large-scale changes, the overwhelming results are poor. For example:

  • John Kotter’s seminal research in the field of change management half a century ago revealed that only 30% of change programs succeed.
  • A 2008 global IBM study of major change initiatives found that only 41% fully met their objectives, while 44% missed their budget, time, or quality goals, and 15% were seen as total failures.
  • In 2013, a report that aggregated over 6,000 senior executive surveys revealed that 70% of change efforts fail to achieve their target impact.

As the Harvard Business Review’s editor articulated so well in discussing why so many transformation efforts fail:

“…no business survives over the long term if it can’t reinvent itself. But human nature being what it is, fundamental change is often resisted mightily by the people it most affects: those in the trenches of the business. Thus, leading change is both absolutely essential and incredibly difficult” (Kotter 2007).

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand a 3-step process for driving execution
  • Improve the capacity to lead change


Pre-Class Assignment – Reading


Jim Austin


Jim Austin


The Wharton School

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Health Services, Policy and Practice

Brown University

Jim Austin’s Biography

(Also offered on Tuesday at 10:35am) This program addresses the major innovations that will impact not just the business world but the entire world in the next decade. These are…

(Also offered on Tuesday at 10:35am)

This program addresses the major innovations that will impact not just the business world but the entire world in the next decade. These are not “what if” ideas, but trends, technologies and innovations that exist today that will have a direct impact on you, your firm and your clients. John created this session through his personal interactions with many of the world’s top thought leaders who are driving this change. Some of the topics include:

  • Computer speed, deep learning, and big data
  • Artificial intelligence
  • The Internet of things
  • Robotics
  • Virtual reality
  • Augmented reality
  • Amazon = anything, Airbnb = anyplace, LinkedIn = anyone

Learning Objectives:

  • Gain an understanding of the significant changes that will impact your organization
  • Understand the importance of being a prepared and agile organization, leader, and individual contributor
  • Identify strategies and action steps for being proactive in the face of disruptive challenges

The information delivered will greatly challenge the audience to examine their businesses today on how they will have to be positioned in the coming years to continue to be successful.


John Spence


John Spence

Managing Partner

John Spence, LLC

John Spence’s Biography

Recent events have led to a new work world that amplifies the need for leaders to get good at leading virtual, remote and hybrid teams. This might mean that leaders…

Recent events have led to a new work world that amplifies the need for leaders to get good at leading virtual, remote and hybrid teams. This might mean that leaders need to adapt their leadership style to embrace the new reality of work. This session will give you the time to explore what your reality is as a leader in today’s work world and how to connect with remote team members to maximize team output.

Learning Objectives:

  • Examine the realities of leading a hybrid team.
  • Explore the economics, environment and, engagement needed to lead a hybrid team.
  • Examine the competencies that will support successfully leading a hybrid team.
  • Identify actions to take to build hybrid leadership skills.


Deborah Barrett


Deborah Barrett

Executive Coach and Facilitator


Deborah Barrett’s Biography

(Also offered on Tuesday at 10:35am) Participants will learn how to conduct an effective After Action Review and will participate in the “Crossing the River” exercise, a practical application of…

(Also offered on Tuesday at 10:35am)

Participants will learn how to conduct an effective After Action Review and will participate in the “Crossing the River” exercise, a practical application of leadership, innovation and strategy in a challenging team environment. Participants will learn a cutting-edge technique called the “After Action Review.” The After Action Review (AAR) is used by many organizations, including the U.S Army, Navy Seals, Police and Fire Departments, surgical and trauma teams, and more recently, corporations to create a learning culture and focus on continuous improvement and sharing best practices across teams and organizations. Leaders can leverage the AAR to implement and reinforce change efforts, improve process execution, shape culture and influence employees to learn from past performance.

Learning Objectives:

  • Participants learn and practice a method to enhance a team’s capacity to perform, learn and adapt to change through a collaborative learning process emphasizing collective accountability.
  • Participants engage in an experience requiring team strategy development and execution
  • Participants learn the After Action Review Process, and the importance of balancing learning and performance culture
  • Participants are able to better understand innovation leadership and adaptive leadership through participation in the exercise and “debrief”
  • Teams participate in multiple iterations of the simulation, using the After Action Review as a means to discuss and improve team performance
  • Participants learn how to develop a collaborative, open, candid, innovative team- learning environment


Todd Henshaw


Todd Henshaw

President and Founder

Leader Development Associates

Senior Fellow, Center for Leadership and Change Management

The Wharton School

Todd Henshaw’s Biography

(Also offered on Wednesday at 1:30pm) Economies and markets globally are impacted by the policy actions of Central Banks, especially the US Federal Reserve (FED). Central Banks such as the…

(Also offered on Wednesday at 1:30pm)

Economies and markets globally are impacted by the policy actions of Central Banks, especially the US Federal Reserve (FED).

Central Banks such as the FED have a predominant influence on interest rates, which have major impacts on economies and financial markets. Even before the worldwide economic recession (practically a short depression) in Spring 2020, caused by the pandemic, many Central Banks ran expansionary monetary policies. This meant they engineered low, and in some cases negative in Europe and Japan, interest rates. Monetary policy became much more expansionary or “looser” to restore economies after the pandemic led to record unemployment in April 2020.  Looking at time periods before the response to the pandemic, the “inverted yield curve” and the FED’s reaction to it in 2019 (reducing short-term rates) is a prime example of the interaction between economic forecasts and monetary policy.

The FED has a dual mandate to maximize employment while also keeping inflation low and steady. The FED monitors key variables related both to the job market and to inflation.  We will analyze different gauges on the Federal Reserve’s “job market dashboard” and its “inflation dashboard.” Pre-pandemic the U.S. exceeded ‘full employment’ as commonly defined and measured by the official unemployment rate. However, other metrics did not indicate truly full employment. Of course, the pandemic has led to massive underemployment globally. We will analyze various forms of underemployment. Next, we portray the improving job market from the tough in April 2020 until now.  A recent key is the interplay of monetary policy and inflation. Expansionary monetary policy (which entails buying bonds to increase the money supply and lower interest rates) could cause inflation, as we have seen recently (exacerbated by supply-chain problems), and rising inflation leads to pressure to tighten monetary policy.

Our analysis of the “job market dashboard” and the “inflation dashboard” will highlight metrics which are crucial for the FED’s decisions about interest rates. These decisions have a strong influence on financial markets. We will discuss the recent path and forecasts for inflation and unemployment, given the FED’s targets.

Beyond the FED, we will analyze the policies and actions of other major Central Banks, including those which have adopted negative interest rates. By looking at various Central Banks, we can gain insight into the movements of exchange rates as well as of interest rates.

Finally, aware of the racial inequality and the need for systemic justice in the US, the FED has been working on an implicit third mandate: to use monetary policy to try to improve economic opportunity for all. We will discuss this new focus.

This session will engage participants by analyzing the current state and prospects for monetary policy. This analysis will enable participants to explore the future of economies and financial markets.

Learning Objectives:

  • Financial professionals need to understand the dynamics of the economy and financial markets. It is crucial to understand the impact of monetary policy on financial markets and economies, especially on the job market and inflation. This session aims to heighten such knowledge.
  • The performance of the US job market, and the degree of underemployment or “slack,” has been the subject of intense analysis by economists, financial professionals, and policymakers since the financial crash of 2008-09.  This concern regarding underemployment spiked due to the 22 million jobs lost when the US locked down in March and April 2020. Job gains have been strong since then, driving unemployment down and leading to record job openings. An objective here is to discuss the metrics used by experts to analyze the job market and its practical impacts. We will link the job market metrics to policy actions by Central Banks that impact interest rates and exchange rates.
  • Markets and economies globally are impacted by the policies of Central Banks such as the FED. The FED has an “inflation dashboard” of metrics useful for determining monetary policy, especially setting interest rates. An objective is to analyze inflation and policy linkages.
  • This session aims to be highly engaging, discussing with financial professionals the implications of possible policy actions by the FED and other major Central Banks on potential investment strategies.


CFP®, CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Jeffrey Rosensweig


Jeffrey Rosensweig

Director of the John Robson Program for Business, Public Policy, and Government

Goizueta Business School, Emory University

Jeffrey Rosensweig’s Biography

(Also offered on Tuesday at 10:35am) Effective leaders recognize they must carefully manage both the external and internal environment.  They inspire, provide clarity of purpose, seek diversity of thought and…

(Also offered on Tuesday at 10:35am)

Effective leaders recognize they must carefully manage both the external and internal environment.  They inspire, provide clarity of purpose, seek diversity of thought and contrary views, and build a culture of trust.  Leaders also develop a keen awareness of external forces and turn threats into opportunities by building an organizational capability of adaptability.  In short, leaders build a PERCEPTIVE organization that is poised to achieve and maintain sustainable positive results.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the importance of building a perceptive organization to meet today’s business challenges
  • Articulate specific leadership behaviors that can create an appropriate vigilant culture
  • Better prepare for an uncertain future by building agility into their strategy


Kathy Pearson


Kathy Pearson

President and Founder

Enterprise Learning Solutions

Kathy Pearson’s Biography

(Also offered on Tuesday at 3:20pm) Your reputation precedes you.  How do others see you at work?  Are you perceived as cool, calm, and collected?  Emotionally expressive?  Competitive?  A team…

(Also offered on Tuesday at 3:20pm)

Your reputation precedes you.  How do others see you at work?  Are you perceived as cool, calm, and collected?  Emotionally expressive?  Competitive?  A team player?  Sociable?  Independent?  A people person?  Task-focused?  Conscientious?   Willing to take a risk? Imaginative? Practical? Do you seem to prefer formal education or hands-on learning?  How do these perceptions about you play out when you face an issue, problem, or adversity at work?  What consequences do they have for better or worse? Complete the Hogan Personality Inventory as pre-work, and this session will give you the opportunity to see yourself as others see you, reflect on your strengths, and consider how to make the most of strengths and downplay liabilities.

Learning Objectives:

  • See yourself as others see you.
  • Reflect on the assets of your personality and recognize the liabilities.
  • Learn how to make the most of strengths so that weaknesses pale by comparison.


Pre-Class Assignment – Questionnaire


Anne Greenhalgh


Anne Greenhalgh

Deputy Director, Anne and John McNulty Leadership Program

The Wharton School

Adjunct Professor of Management

The Wharton School

Anne Greenhalgh’s Biography

(Also offered on Tuesday at 3:20pm) Security seems to focus on failures.  Ransomware, outages, thefts, firings— these are the things often associated with the security sector.  That’s because most security…

(Also offered on Tuesday at 3:20pm)

Security seems to focus on failures.  Ransomware, outages, thefts, firings— these are the things often associated with the security sector.  That’s because most security focuses on hardening our infrastructures, while minimizing attacks and their impact, but is known to never be foolproof.  Limits of budgets, errors in technologies, human factors with users and operators, skills of adversaries, complexities of infrastructures, and simple bad luck all conspire against the security professional and leave the business not asking ‘if’ but rather ‘when’ disaster will strike.  Now is the time to shift our thinking from a focus on unobtainable perfect security, and replace it with the much more business-friendly goal of resilience.  Learn how to embrace resilience as a directive in the boardrooms and operationally throughout the organization, such that inevitable security incidents allow your organization to bend but not break, and recover gracefully.  Join Tom Patterson, the co-lead for the National Cyber Moonshot that is focused on the national strategy to make the Internet safe and secure by the end of this decade, to learn the key guidelines and changes necessary in this shift of thinking that has long term benefits including a more stable business and predicable economy.


Tom Patterson


Tom Patterson

Managing Director, Emerging Technology Security


Tom Patterson’s Biography

3:20pm – 4:50pm

Corporate leaders must increasingly navigate contentious social and political issues.  Social activism targeting firms has grown by over 500% in the past 15 years and prominent shareholders are calling for…

Corporate leaders must increasingly navigate contentious social and political issues.  Social activism targeting firms has grown by over 500% in the past 15 years and prominent shareholders are calling for more clarity and disclosure of corporate social and political activity.  Prominent firms are also taking clear positions on issues ranging from LGBTQ issues to environmental policy.   This course will provide a framework and clear strategies for assessing how to respond to social activism, including how to evaluate the likely effects of a campaign on the loyalties of various stakeholders, ranging from shareholders to consumers and regulators.  We will introduce clear strategies for managing social issues, including community assessments on new-market entries, and governance arrangements that help a firm quickly monitor social issues and maneuver social crises. We will also explore how leaders can assess the risks and opportunities inherent in corporate positioning on political issues, providing a framework for determining when your firm is well-positioned to take a social or political stance.


Mary-Hunter McDonnell


Mary-Hunter McDonnell

Bantwal Family Goldman Sachs Presidential Associate Professor of Management

Faculty Co-Director, Zicklin Center for Corporate Governance

The Wharton School

Mary-Hunter McDonnell’s Biography

As the world becomes more interconnected, firms must form links with other firms to remain competitive. Examples would be connections between phone producers and app developers to create functional solutions…

As the world becomes more interconnected, firms must form links with other firms to remain competitive. Examples would be connections between phone producers and app developers to create functional solutions that are essential for the user experience.  This session focuses on the creation of a strategic network, which is a set of interconnected alliances. Key decision factors in forming networks are discussed and the relative efficacy of the timing of entry, involvement in the network creation process, and resource commitment to the network are explored as success drivers from network participation.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understanding how ecosystems of relationships between firms can positively impact innovation when managed well.
  • Gaining perspective on the rising number of connections between firms and their partners to give clients superior products or services.
  • Develop a perspective that partnerships and alliances can help create significant economic value.


Harbir Singh


Harbir Singh

Mack Professor of Management

The Wharton School

Co-Director, Mack Institute for Innovation Management

The Wharton School

Harbir Singh’s Biography

Financial regulation in the United States has always been a complicated patchwork of functional divisions between federal agencies, state regulators, and discrete parts of the financial industry. Understanding how these…

Financial regulation in the United States has always been a complicated patchwork of functional divisions between federal agencies, state regulators, and discrete parts of the financial industry. Understanding how these regulators work together is still complicated, but it is something with which financial professionals have to grapple. This session will show you the rules of the road for the financial regulatory system we have so that you can maximize the amount of open water for your business and make sense of the new priorities of financial regulators.


CFP®, CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


David Zaring


David Zaring

Associate Professor of Legal Studies and Business Ethics

The Wharton School

David Zaring’s Biography

This is a session that covers recent developments in global economic growth and innovation, with an emphasis on current events and policy applications. The session discusses the current drivers of…

This is a session that covers recent developments in global economic growth and innovation, with an emphasis on current events and policy applications. The session discusses the current drivers of innovation and economic growth and analyzes the strengths and challenges of financial analysis for long-term innovative investment decisions. Topics covered include: national income accounting, total factor productivity, investment in capital and labor, inflation, interest rates, monetary policy, net present value and the internal rate of return.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understanding current economic climate
  • Implications for short and long-term investment decisions
  • Assessing upcoming risks and opportunities


CFP®, CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Jules Van Binsbergen


Jules Van Binsbergen

Nippon Life Professor of Finance

The Wharton School

Jules Van Binsbergen’s Biography

It’s hard to get people to do something or care about something if they can’t remember what you told them.  Whether it’s externally to customers or internally to employees and…

It’s hard to get people to do something or care about something if they can’t remember what you told them.  Whether it’s externally to customers or internally to employees and co-workers, we’re constantly communicating messages and ideas. How can we communicate more effectively with our clients, helping them understand the suggestions we’re making and the value we provide?  How can we make sure our boss, or employees, remember our suggestions?  This session will provide a framework for making ideas stick.  Tips and tricks to avoid the curse of knowledge, communicate more effectively, and drive people to take action.

Learning Objectives:

  • Craft more memorable messages
  • Simplify complex ideas
  • Overcome the curse of knowledge


Jonah Berger


Jonah Berger

Professor of Marketing

The Wharton School

Jonah Berger’s Biography

(Also offered on Tuesday at 10:35am and Wednesday at 10:35am, 1:30pm and 3:20pm)  The ability to negotiate productively is a critical part of both business and personal success. In this…

(Also offered on Tuesday at 10:35am and Wednesday at 10:35am, 1:30pm and 3:20pm) 

The ability to negotiate productively is a critical part of both business and personal success. In this interactive session we will identify what your negotiation style is and the pros and cons of using it in certain situations.  In addition, we will conduct a mock negotiation that is both fun and challenging.  The mock negotiation will highlight several key concepts in negotiation, assist you in thinking about negotiation strategically, and help you improve the outcomes of your future negotiations.


Pre-Class Assignment – Questionnaire


Eric Max


Eric Max

Senior Lecturer

The Wharton School

Eric Max’s Biography

(Also offered on Tuesday at 1:30pm) Your reputation precedes you.  How do others see you at work?  Are you perceived as cool, calm, and collected?  Emotionally expressive?  Competitive?  A team…

(Also offered on Tuesday at 1:30pm)

Your reputation precedes you.  How do others see you at work?  Are you perceived as cool, calm, and collected?  Emotionally expressive?  Competitive?  A team player?  Sociable?  Independent?  A people person?  Task-focused?  Conscientious?   Willing to take a risk? Imaginative? Practical? Do you seem to prefer formal education or hands-on learning?  How do these perceptions about you play out when you face an issue, problem, or adversity at work?  What consequences do they have for better or worse? Complete the Hogan Personality Inventory as pre-work, and this session will give you the opportunity to see yourself as others see you, reflect on your strengths, and consider how to make the most of strengths and downplay liabilities.

Learning Objectives:

  • See yourself as others see you.
  • Reflect on the assets of your personality and recognize the liabilities.
  • Learn how to make the most of strengths so that weaknesses pale by comparison.


Pre-Class Assignment – Questionnaire


Anne Greenhalgh


Anne Greenhalgh

Deputy Director, Anne and John McNulty Leadership Program

The Wharton School

Adjunct Professor of Management

The Wharton School

Anne Greenhalgh’s Biography

Knowing who we are is hard. Eliminate who you are not first. And you will find yourself where you need to be.   Almost every businessperson agrees that you need…

Knowing who we are is hard.

Eliminate who you are not first.

And you will find yourself where you need to be.


Almost every businessperson agrees that you need a good strategy to have a successful company, yet few people create a “Success Strategy” for their own lives. During this session, attendees will complete several personal exercises to help them gain clarity on what they must do to create a more happy, balanced, successful life and career. This program has been shared with senior executives at major organizations and more than 90 colleges and universities worldwide.

Learning Objectives:

  • An understanding of your true core values
  • A review of the power of questions
  • An examination of who you spend your time with and how you spend your time
  • An understanding of what gives you stress and what gives you joy
  • Learning how to control what you can and let go of what you cannot control
  • The development of action steps to make your ideal life become a reality
  • Creating a personal definition of success
  • The importance of having a P.L.A.N.
  • Examining Three Keys to Career and Life Success


John Spence


John Spence

Managing Partner

John Spence, LLC

John Spence’s Biography

(Also offered on Tuesday at 1:30pm) Security seems to focus on failures.  Ransomware, outages, thefts, firings— these are the things often associated with the security sector.  That’s because most security…

(Also offered on Tuesday at 1:30pm)

Security seems to focus on failures.  Ransomware, outages, thefts, firings— these are the things often associated with the security sector.  That’s because most security focuses on hardening our infrastructures, while minimizing attacks and their impact, but is known to never be foolproof.  Limits of budgets, errors in technologies, human factors with users and operators, skills of adversaries, complexities of infrastructures, and simple bad luck all conspire against the security professional and leave the business not asking ‘if’ but rather ‘when’ disaster will strike.  Now is the time to shift our thinking from a focus on unobtainable perfect security, and replace it with the much more business-friendly goal of resilience.  Learn how to embrace resilience as a directive in the boardrooms and operationally throughout the organization, such that inevitable security incidents allow your organization to bend but not break, and recover gracefully.  Join Tom Patterson, the co-lead for the National Cyber Moonshot that is focused on the national strategy to make the Internet safe and secure by the end of this decade, to learn the key guidelines and changes necessary in this shift of thinking that has long term benefits including a more stable business and predicable economy.


Tom Patterson


Tom Patterson

Managing Director, Emerging Technology Security


Tom Patterson’s Biography

(Also offered on Tuesday at 10:35am) Chris Maxwell’s research shows that world-class mountain guides embody six key leadership strengths, and that these same strengths have a significant impact when applied…

(Also offered on Tuesday at 10:35am)

Chris Maxwell’s research shows that world-class mountain guides embody six key leadership strengths, and that these same strengths have a significant impact when applied within organizations.  From lessons learned from his travels with expert guides on mountain peaks and high trails around the world, Maxwell reveals that guides are socially intelligent, adaptable, empowering, trust-builders, risk-aware, and focused on the big picture.  Organizational leaders who model these six leadership strengths will build more effective teams, actively support the vision of the organization, and uplift the people who work to make that vision a reality.  Session participants will have an opportunity to reflect on the six leadership strengths of guides and complete a self-assessment.  Chris’ book, Lead Like a Guide:  How World-Class Mountain Guides Inspire Us to Be Better Leaders was published by Praeger in 2016.

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the six leadership strengths of world-class guides
  • Explain how these strengths relate to professional organizations
  • Identify opportunities for application within your own profession


Chris Maxwell


Chris Maxwell

Senior Fellow, Center for Leadership and Change Management

The Wharton School

Chris Maxwell’s Biography

7:15am – 8:15am

Breakfast will be served at all SII hotel properties.

Breakfast will be served at all SII hotel properties.

8:45am – 10:15am

Central banks have come to be regarded as the “only game in town” for economic policy-making, something that the Covid-19 pandemic only accelerated. But what are these curious institutions, where…

Central banks have come to be regarded as the “only game in town” for economic policy-making, something that the Covid-19 pandemic only accelerated. But what are these curious institutions, where did they come from, and where are they going? This session analyzes these and related issues by providing a brief history of central banking and focusing on the ways that central banks today and in the future will dominate the landscape for banking and finance the world over. The focus will be on the Bank of England, the U.S. Federal Reserve System, and the People’s Bank of China.


CFP®, CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Peter Conti-Brown


Peter Conti-Brown

Class of 1965 Associate Professor of Financial Regulation

The Wharton School

Nonresident Fellow in Economic Studies

The Brookings Institution

Peter Conti-Brown’s Biography

(Also offered on Tuesday at 1:30pm and Thursday at 1:30pm) In this elective course Professor Tiffany will review the origins of the current economic rivalry between the Peoples Republic of…

(Also offered on Tuesday at 1:30pm and Thursday at 1:30pm)

In this elective course Professor Tiffany will review the origins of the current economic rivalry between the Peoples Republic of China and the USA, and how the recent US Presidential election might affect this critical relationship.  Participants will initially view a short 30-minute video at their leisure prior to the “live” session in Philadelphia; this will provide background content so that the live session can focus on key issues and allow time for participant discussion. To facilitate this, all participants will be required to submit a short written response (one or more paragraphs) to a given question on the content and submit this to SII administrators prior to the live session, at which time they will be encouraged to engage with one another and Professor Tiffany regarding their perspectives.

Ideal for: Participants who want to improve their appreciation of and insights regarding the current political economy of the Peoples Republic of China, and how that nation’s economic expansion affects the future of the economy (and global power) of the USA.

The rise of China since the 1990s has been the most significant economic event in the world in recent times; indeed, it is in many ways the key element of “globalization.”  However, the actions of the Trump Administration, as well as that President’s frequent outbursts regarding America’s relationship with China, has created great uncertainty about the future (including in financial markets) that must be directly addressed by the Biden Administration.  Today the US appears to be at a crossroads about how it will respond in the coming years to China’s political and economic evolution. China’s political leadership claims the US is a declining nation and wants to prevent “the peaceful rise of China;” US officials claim that all they want is for China to “play by the rules” and that a reinvigorated American economy will result in continued global strength. So who is right—and why does it matter?

This elective session will first briefly review the remarkable rise of the Chinese economy from the rise of Mao in the mid-20th Century to the current era of the early 21st Century.  We will focus on the historical roots of this transformation, and how these forces have shaped the current attitudes and perspectives of the Chinese leadership towards economic priorities, growth, and relations with its expanding off-shore business involvements.  We will then turn specific attention to the prospects for future political-economic relations between the PRC and the USA against a backdrop that many assert to be the end of the “American Century” and the outset of the “Pacific Century.”   Participants will be challenged to consider how the many benefits of “doing business with China” for American firms must be balanced against the ultimate ends and goals of that nation as they relate to the value proposition of the United States—which includes respect for democracy, capitalism and a market-based economy, ownership of intellectual property rights, free trade, a rules-based world order, human rights– and America’s own ambitions in the decades ahead.

Learning Objectives:

  • Have a better understanding of the evolution of the contemporary Chinese economy and how that historical development has shaped the attitudes and perspectives of China’s leadership toward business and investment activities within the country, and abroad.
  • Increase their awareness of the opportunities and threats posed to US-based investors who choose to operate within the confines of the Chinese economy today.
  • Better comprehend the looming challenge that China represents to the long-standing hegemony of the United States as the world’s leading nation– and what implications for America stem from the recent “rise of China.”


Pre-Class Assignment – Video


CFP®, CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Paul Tiffany


Paul Tiffany

Senior Lecturer (Emeritus)

Hass School of Business, University of California, Berkeley

Paul Tiffany’s Biography

Modern Portfolio Theory and the case it makes for diversification have long been foundations for investing. This notion is now being questioned given the starkly disparate asset class performances that…

Modern Portfolio Theory and the case it makes for diversification have long been foundations for investing. This notion is now being questioned given the starkly disparate asset class performances that began following the financial crisis and have lingered well into our current Covid-19 world. This session will break down the performance drivers in the current market cycle and lay out the global growth story, making the case for continued asset diversification. It will examine the issues currently facing globally allocated portfolios and survey several strategies and techniques investors can use to mitigate these problems. Topics will include strategic versus tactical allocation, active versus passive investing, and the power of rebalancing, among others.  The goal of this elective is to give the participant a broader and deeper understanding of the forces affecting asset allocation portfolios in the 21st century and to make the case that diversification still works—that it’s not “different this time”.

Learning Objectives:

  • The basics of asset allocation
  • The differences between strategic and tactical asset allocation
  • The drivers of portfolio performance
  • Active versus passive investing
  • The impact of rebalancing portfolios


CFP®, CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Bryan Piskorowski


Bryan Piskorowski

Head of Advice and Investment Guidance, Wealth Client Group

Allspring Global Investments

Bryan Piskorowski’s Biography

(Also offered on Thursday at 1:30pm) In 2022, finance professionals face a time of uncertainty on economic, financial, public health, and geopolitical fronts. This uncertainty follows on the past two…

(Also offered on Thursday at 1:30pm)

In 2022, finance professionals face a time of uncertainty on economic, financial, public health, and geopolitical fronts. This uncertainty follows on the past two decades of frequent bouts of volatility in both economies and asset markets worldwide. We witnessed the hype of the dot.com bubble and its subsequent bursting, leading to a global recession. The global economy and asset markets then boomed along with the debt-fueled global real estate bubble. The bursting of that speculative bubble caused both a worldwide stock market crash and “Great Recession.” Investors who did not panic gained from a strong recovery in global asset markets starting in March 2009. Many real and financial assets both in the US and abroad reached record-high prices in February 2020. The high valuations led many to fear significant market risks, for example from a possible global economic slowdown or a trade war with China.

The risk that was not anticipated was public health. The pandemic led to a sudden drop of the stock market, which declined by 34% from its February peak to its trough in March 2020. The economy moved from its record-long (nearly 11 consecutive years) economic growth phase to a short economic depression; a net of over 22 million US jobs were lost in March and April 2020.   Massive government intervention, with unprecedented expansionary fiscal and monetary policy, restored economic growth by May. The massive monetary and liquidity expansion by the FED, and its creation of near-zero interest rates, fueled a rapid V-shaped rebound of the stock market — it reached new highs within months. Stock market and real estate prices continued to climb to successive new highs. Economic growth surged in summer 2020.  Economic growth continued, but it decelerated in autumn and winter as a second surge of COVID infection acted as a brake. Fortunately, vaccines became available and as their distribution spread many jobs were created in service industries. Economic and job growth continued, although the third wave, due to the delta variant, did slow growth in 2021 Q3. Still, steady growth in jobs brought the unemployment rate quite low. The surprising strength of the economy, combined with reluctance on the part of some to rejoin the labor force, caused a level of job openings that was unprecedented and unanticipated. The tightness in the job market led to larger wage increases and combining that with global supply-chain problems led to a rise in inflation worldwide. This put pressure on many Central Banks to rein in their monetary policy. We will examine the recent past while also analyzing longer-term past trends in the economy and financial markets, all with an eye to understanding possible future trends and scenarios.

This session will separate fact from fiction while analyzing the implications of global forecasts and linkages for investors. The uncertainty regarding the pandemic, the U.S. and global economies, commodity prices, interest rates, exchange rates, job markets, monetary policy, fiscal policy, and the sustainability of massively increasing government debt worldwide all point toward the need for a truly global diversification strategy. This session will feature a strategic look at the economic, financial, and demographic trends that are likely to endure in the major economies of the future.

Learning Objectives:

  • Help financial professionals analyze the US and global economic outlook and longer-term economic trends in this time of great uncertainty in multiple dimensions.
  • Increase participants’ understanding of global and US financial linkages to the volatile economic and policy environment we have experienced in recent decades and especially recent years.
  • Portray and contrast global and U.S. demographic trends, analyzing their investment implications.
  • The ultimate objective of this core session is to help participants form global investing strategies based on the three preceding objectives.


CFP®, CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Jeffrey Rosensweig


Jeffrey Rosensweig

Director of the John Robson Program for Business, Public Policy, and Government

Goizueta Business School, Emory University

Jeffrey Rosensweig’s Biography

The M&A landscape and financing techniques have undergone significant changes in the past decade. In an active, discussion-based format, participants will analyze how and why the financial aspects of the…

The M&A landscape and financing techniques have undergone significant changes in the past decade. In an active, discussion-based format, participants will analyze how and why the financial aspects of the M&A process has transformed over the past several years, and what we can expect to see going forward. Participants will leave this session with a deeper understanding of the distinction between effective and ineffective M&A strategies, as well as a set of tools and techniques that will help them outperform their competitors in pursuing and implementing value-creating deals.


CFP®, CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Emilie Feldman


Emilie Feldman

Michael L. Tarnopol Professor

The Wharton School

Professor of Management

The Wharton School

Emilie Feldman’s Biography

(Also offered on Thursday at 1:30pm) This session will explain why the Federal Reserve’s response to the Covid Pandemic has caused so much inflation.  We will also examine the valuation…

(Also offered on Thursday at 1:30pm)

This session will explain why the Federal Reserve’s response to the Covid Pandemic has caused so much inflation.  We will also examine the valuation of the market, the Fed, and the determination of interest rates.  We will also discuss recent trends in factor, or “style” investing, particularly Value Investing.

Learning Objectives:

  • Effect of monetary Expansion on Inflation
  • Understanding historical returns on asset classes
  • Determine Valuations and P-E ratios and future returns
  • Fundamentals of Style Investing


CFP®, CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Jeremy Siegel


Jeremy Siegel

Russell E. Palmer Professor Emeritus of Finance

The Wharton School

Academic Director

Securities Industry Institute

Jeremy Siegel’s Biography

Taking a company public is not for the faint-hearted.  Investors must be cajoled, regulatory oversight is intense, and the fees paid to investment banks can be enormous.  This session will…

Taking a company public is not for the faint-hearted.  Investors must be cajoled, regulatory oversight is intense, and the fees paid to investment banks can be enormous.  This session will walk you through the going public process, focusing on the initial public offering, the restrictions on marketing the offering, and the ways the SEC is trying to make a dauntingly difficult process more friendly to firms.  In addition, comparisons to direct listings, special purpose acquisition companies, and initial coin offerings will be made.


CFP® Eligible


David Zaring


David Zaring

Associate Professor of Legal Studies and Business Ethics

The Wharton School

David Zaring’s Biography

(Also offered on Thursday at 1:30pm) The key to a company’s financial success is strategy execution.  Companies that have success in long term value creation have a passion for execution. …

(Also offered on Thursday at 1:30pm)

The key to a company’s financial success is strategy execution.  Companies that have success in long term value creation have a passion for execution.  This session will use financial tools to analyze the differences between value creating and value destroying companies and show that the pattern is the same in every industry and in every part of the world. At the strategy formulation stage, it is important to select a strategy that the company understand its capabilities to execute more effectively and increase the likelihood of success. It is important to realize that profitability is necessary, but it is very fragile and it can disappear rapidly as market systems evolve. It is important to be vigilant about the changes taking place in your industry.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn the financial tools that are useful in identifying value creating companies and the metrics used by investors
  • Learn about companies that have tied operating metrics to financial performance to drive growth, innovation and value creation
  • Learn how you can impact these key value drivers to create value for your enterprise


Pre-Class Assignment – Reading


CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Joseph Perfetti


Joseph Perfetti

Lecturer, Department of Finance

University of Maryland, College Park

Joseph Perfetti’s Biography

10:35am – 12:05pm

(Also offered on Wednesday at 3:20pm) You can’t drive a car looking in the rear view mirror.  Traditional metrics are backward looking.  They keep score. What did you do last…

(Also offered on Wednesday at 3:20pm)

You can’t drive a car looking in the rear view mirror.  Traditional metrics are backward looking.  They keep score. What did you do last month, last quarter and last year?  Companies need to keep score to assess performance: growth, margin, return on equity, and total shareholder return are common metrics.  They do not tell you how the company will do in the future. Value is about the future.  In the age of agile, companies need to increasingly start putting forward looking and predictive metrics on their dashboards.  The Agile Dashboard was researched and developed to help organizations address this gap. The Agile Dashboard looks at three categories of metrics: Speed, Interaction Time and Pivot. These are critical elements for leaders to monitor whether their organizations are prepared to operate successfully in an uncertain future.  This session will explain each of the three sections of the Agile Dashboard, provide metrics for each and share examples of their applicability to financial organizations.


Pre-Class Assignment – Reading


Joseph Perfetti


Joseph Perfetti

Lecturer, Department of Finance

University of Maryland, College Park

Joseph Perfetti’s Biography

(Also offered on Wednesday at 3:20pm) Definition of Business Agility: The ability of an organization to: Adapt quickly to market changes - internally and externally. Respond rapidly and flexibly to customer…

(Also offered on Wednesday at 3:20pm)

Definition of Business Agility: The ability of an organization to: Adapt quickly to market changes – internally and externally. Respond rapidly and flexibly to customer demands. Adapt and lead change in a productive and cost-effective way without compromising quality. Continuously be at a competitive advantage.

We are all facing an incredible amount of change in our businesses and our lives. Virtual meetings, working from home, evolving customer and employee expectations, uncertain economic times, massive shifts in the marketplace, and more. Many of the things that used to work, no longer do. To succeed, every one of us must dramatically increase our AQ, our Adaptability Quotient.

The ability to let go of outdated ideas, embrace change, drive innovation, and do it all with speed and agility is critical. It calls for the courage to take a hard look at your current business model and redesign your strategy, tactics, and behaviors to set a new course for your organization’s future.

It sounds daunting, but it is also exciting…  for amid chaos there is opportunity. Every adversity you face carries with it an equal chance to create something great. Businesses that are flexible, fast, and focused will have the advantage. As Darwin noted, “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; it is the one most adaptable to change.”

Learning Objectives:

  • Discover the three things it takes to be an effective leader in the future
  • Understand how to improve your AQ
  • Explore how to create and maintain an adaptable and agile organization
  • Examine four key elements that are foundational for business success
  • Learn how to avoid focusing on triage and tactical in order to think more strategically
  • Recognize that the way we do business has changed permanently in many ways; how are you adapting, leading your teams, and building refocused strategies?


John Spence


John Spence

Managing Partner

John Spence, LLC

John Spence’s Biography

Perhaps the most important responsibility for any manager is to help their people grow and reach their potential.  Coaching direct reports on a regular basis is a condition of employment…

Perhaps the most important responsibility for any manager is to help their people grow and reach their potential.  Coaching direct reports on a regular basis is a condition of employment at many companies for any manager.

Yet our research concludes that managers rarely coach their people, particularly in the rapid moving financial services industry.  What makes this even more troubling is that most people crave feedback from their managers—even if it is negative.

In a virtual environment this becomes even more challenging.

This session will introduce a specific coaching model and the skills required to make it work.  Participants will learn how to plan, conduct and follow-up coaching sessions.  They will learn how to collect data, how to position these sessions, how to provide balanced feedback, how to manage the inevitable push back and how to gain commitment.  And the session will consistently refer to conducting these sessions remotely.

Managers often say they don’t coach their people because they aren’t comfortable in this role.  Too often they coach they way they parent or how they were coached in sports, dance or the arts.  This session will explain how to be an effective coach in business situations, and the practice exercises will demonstrate how it is all applicable and manageable.

Learning Objectives:

  • Become familiar with a specific coaching model to apply to any coaching session.
  • Learn the specific skills associated with coaching like providing feedback, managing resistance, and gaining commitment.
  • Explore how to offer individuals specific ways and means to improve their performance.
  • Determine how to deal with the challenges of coaching people in virtual conversations.
  • Investigate how to prepare and follow-up coaching sessions to ensure that behavior change actually happens.


Pre-Class Assignment – Short Exercise


Eric Baron


Eric Baron


Eric Baron Consulting

Adjunt Professor, Columbia Business School

Columbia University

Eric Baron’s Biography

(Also offered on Wednesday at 3:20pm) In this experiential session, participants explore behaviors that improve collaborative relationships. The session introduces practical, applicable skills for increasing the ability to effectively communicate…

(Also offered on Wednesday at 3:20pm)

In this experiential session, participants explore behaviors that improve collaborative relationships. The session introduces practical, applicable skills for increasing the ability to effectively communicate with others — to hear and be heard.  The atmosphere of the session is lighthearted and fun, utilizing a variety of activities, including exercises based in improvisational theater training.  No one is singled out — all exercises are performed in large or small groups.  The facilitator creates a comfortable atmosphere in which all participants are supported and encouraged.  Every exercise is debriefed to maximize its application to the participants’ unique needs.  The result is a positive transformation of the participants’ communication skill-set.

Learning Objectives:

  • Explore tools to enhance one’s ability to be fully present, focused and energized while working with others.
  • Practice effective listening skills.
  • Practice releasing inner scripts and agendas and, instead, build upon others’ ideas.
  • Explore the concept of ‘true collaboration’ in equal partnership toward reaching a goal.
  • Explore the concept ‘Perception Overrides Intention’
  • Explore non-verbal communication (body language)
  • Practice skills in Emotional Congruency (matching content with delivery), in order to enhance authenticity and build trust
  • Explore the benefits of ‘tolerance for the unknown’
  • Practice the skill of recovering smoothly from mistakes
  • Increase ability to collaboratively innovate.
  • Increase confidence in spontaneous behavior.
  • Increase effectiveness in workplace collaboration by recognizing one’s strengths and challenges.
  • Explore the benefits of ‘transparency’ and ‘curiosity’ to connect and build trust with others.


Please note participants will be on their feet for most of the session.


Bobbi Block


Bobbi Block

Independent Faculty

The Wharton School

Adjunct Professor, Theatre Department

Temple University and Drexel University

Bobbi Block’s Biography

This session presents a novel approach to thinking about contemporary leadership challenges.  The early years of the American Revolution present a spectacularly rich tapestry of leadership challenges and issues that…

This session presents a novel approach to thinking about contemporary leadership challenges.  The early years of the American Revolution present a spectacularly rich tapestry of leadership challenges and issues that inform today’s leaders.  By anchoring the leadership lessons in historical vignettes, re-examining several myths, and connecting leader challenges to today, the session helps make learning leadership “sticky,” memorable, and useful to modern leaders and managers.  As Mark Twain is attributed to have written, “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes.”   Participants in this session will be expected to do select readings and “play” key Revolutionary War leaders in class discussion about the contemporary leadership lessons gleaned from important decisions and events.  The presenter is a retired Army major general who was president of the US Army War College and resident lecturer at Harvard Kennedy School.

Learning Objectives:

  • Analyze historical case studies for contemporary leadership lessons.
  • Make connections to challenges in today’s business environment.


Pre-Class Assignment – Reading


William Rapp


William Rapp

Major General (Ret)

U.S. Army


Rapp Leadership Group, LLC

William Rapp’s Biography

(Also offered on Wednesday at 3:20pm)  Research from Google’s best-performing teams suggests that among many factors that contribute to the health of a team, the most important lever is the…

(Also offered on Wednesday at 3:20pm) 

Research from Google’s best-performing teams suggests that among many factors that contribute to the health of a team, the most important lever is the presence of “psychological safety”. Drawing upon current research– from Google, MIT and other organizations — we will explore what psychological safety means, why it’s so important, and what you, as leaders can do to create the conditions for it on your teams.

Though we may believe we are creating the conditions for collaboration to occur, we may inadvertently undermine psychological safety – often fueled by our own emotional immaturity. So, in addition to exploring what you can do to create psychological safety, we will also discuss the barriers within you that may get in the way. What is most required is that we practice “growing up at work”.

What’s at stake is a more collaborative team environment, as well as greater engagement and aliveness for all.


Learning Objectives:

  • Understand critical elements that contribute to a collaborative team environment—with a specific focus upon psychological safety
  • Identify where you, as a leader, are doing things well, and how you could do even more to create psychological safety for team members
  • Explore the barriers inside of you that keep you from promoting psychological safety and better understand what it means for you – and others – to “grow up at work”


Yael C. Sivi


Yael C. Sivi

Co-Founder and Executive Coach

Collaborative Coaching, LLC

Yael C. Sivi’s Biography

(Also offered on Wednesday at 3:20pm) Did you ever wonder how the firm you work for makes money?  Have you listened to your Chief Financial Officer talk about the quarterly…

(Also offered on Wednesday at 3:20pm)

Did you ever wonder how the firm you work for makes money?  Have you listened to your Chief Financial Officer talk about the quarterly earnings, and walk away scratching your head?  This introductory session developed for those without a financial background takes a simplified look at where the money comes from and where it goes to determine the profit (loss) announced in that last quarterly report.  Focusing on financial services firms, we will look at the businesses of our industry and how they drive the core operating activities.  In layman’s terms we will break down the income streams and expenses taking the jargon out of financial reporting.  If you would like a simple explanation of “ratios” like EBITDA, EPS, ROI, RWC and buzz words like Tier 1 Capital, deferred tax assets and non-counterparty risk, then this is the session for you.

Following this session, you will be able to:

  • Better understand your firm’s financial statements and the jargon around your firm’s quarterly announcements
  • Know the drivers behind the business of financial services
  • Have a good feel for the types of risk in our industry and how they impact your firm.

This way, the next time your firm reports earnings, you will be able to understand the rhetoric, the balance sheet, and the income statement, making you a better-informed employee.


CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Gerald Schreck


Gerald Schreck

SVP, Head of Advisor Education and Training


Gerald Schreck’s Biography

(Also offered on Wednesday at 3:20pm) Leaders inspire, build capacity in others, lead change, and motivate employees to do more than they thought possible. This session includes a short exercise…

(Also offered on Wednesday at 3:20pm)

Leaders inspire, build capacity in others, lead change, and motivate employees to do more than they thought possible. This session includes a short exercise where we watch film clips to identify inspirational leadership behaviors. The team exercise involves teams participating in a video case about the Civil War Battle of Gettysburg, a dynamic and situation where they must determine how to inspire soldiers to overcome their frustrations to fight along with their unit. Each team presents an inspiring vision and employs inspirational behaviors to respond to the crisis. Selected individuals deliver the team’s vision statement to the class. Learning Objectives After this session, you should be able to: – Discuss the impact of ambiguity and uncertainty on individual psychology and performance – Recognize the components and leader behaviors associated with inspirational leadership: leadership that promotes a personal connection, builds confidence, demonstrates a caring attitude, and includes great expectations – Employ these behaviors in a video case, and learn how to construct and effectively communicate a vision for followers.


Learning Objectives:

  • We will discuss how visionary leaders inspire people to connect to the organization’s purpose.
  • We will understand where their particular contributions fit into the vision and how they belong to something larger than themselves.


Todd Henshaw


Todd Henshaw

President and Founder

Leader Development Associates

Senior Fellow, Center for Leadership and Change Management

The Wharton School

Todd Henshaw’s Biography

(Also offered on Wednesday at 3:20pm) True presence is a highly-sought after and crucially important skill for the modern executive.  Successful leaders in every field have that rare combination of…

(Also offered on Wednesday at 3:20pm)

True presence is a highly-sought after and crucially important skill for the modern executive.  Successful leaders in every field have that rare combination of confidence, charisma, self-awareness and inspiration.  Easily seen and difficult to describe, stage presence or leadership presence is an attribute that we all feel is something which would make us better leaders.  It is the ability to authentically connect with and engage audiences.  Presence is a skill that we need in one-on-one encounters as well as when presenting to 1000 people.  True presence allows us to read the room and to lift audiences away from the many distractions that are a part of everyday life in order to inspire, persuade and build momentum toward a strong vision.  It brings people from the ordinary into the extraordinary.  While some might argue that presence is an innate quality, this workshop will prove otherwise as we demystify the building blocks of presence and train ourselves to strengthen our own engagement with audiences.  By learning to be more “present,” participants will understand how to be more motivational as a leader, more convincing as a negotiator and more open and honest as a team member.  This workshop develops and utilizes a practical toolkit for leaders to continue working on their presence and their ability to communicate their vision and their story long after the workshop has ended.

Learning Objectives:

  • To strengthen one’s own Leadership Presence and ability to motivate and inspire others.
  • To develop and use an authentic presentation style.
  • To recognize and overcome individual habits when connecting and engaging with audiences.



Quinn Bauriedel


Quinn Bauriedel

Co-Founder & Co-Artistic Director

Pig Iron Theater Company

Associate Professor

Rowan University

Quinn Bauriedel’s Biography

(Also offered on Tuesday at 10:35am) Most leaders are good at focusing on short-term requirements such as next quarter’s results or current competitor moves.  The problem is that in times…

(Also offered on Tuesday at 10:35am)

Most leaders are good at focusing on short-term requirements such as next quarter’s results or current competitor moves.  The problem is that in times of change and uncertainty, short-term initiatives leave entities vulnerable to missing or underplaying dramatic market changes or emergent new competitors.

Based on the work by Paul Schoemaker and George Day, as detailed in their recent book, See Sooner, Act Faster: How Vigilant Leaders Thrive in an Era of Digital Turbulence, this seminar will outline how vigilant leaders enable their organizations to:

  • Monitor diverse inputs
  • Combine disparate inputs into longer-term, more robust strategic choices.

Learning Objectives:

  • Explore what it means to be a “vigilant leader”
  • Outline the components to a broad monitoring system, taking precautions against unexpected events
  • Learn ways to translate such foresight into longer-term, strategic choices


Jim Austin


Jim Austin


The Wharton School

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Health Services, Policy and Practice

Brown University

Jim Austin’s Biography

(Also offered on Wednesday at 3:20pm) Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a critical component for effective leadership and a significant contributor to excelling in the workplace. The good news is, regardless…

(Also offered on Wednesday at 3:20pm)

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a critical component for effective leadership and a significant contributor to excelling in the workplace. The good news is, regardless of one’s starting point, we can improve EI skills and abilities by thinking intelligently about emotions and using emotions to better think intelligently. To this end, using exercises and clips, participants engage in learning, practicing, and improving each of the EI components, with the goal of better understanding how to improve reading, engaging and leading oneself and others for the long term.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understanding and increasing Emotional Intelligence
  • Using Emotional Intelligence to enhance organizational interactions and engagement by better understand others as well as our own cognitions and actions


Dafna Eylon


Dafna Eylon


Eylon Associates

Dafna Eylon’s Biography

This session will simulate a real securities arbitration. Participants will watch a condensed proceeding based on common investor disputes, with experienced trial attorneys playing the roles of Claimant’s and Respondents’…

This session will simulate a real securities arbitration. Participants will watch a condensed proceeding based on common investor disputes, with experienced trial attorneys playing the roles of Claimant’s and Respondents’ counsel. A discussion of case, and of best practices to prevent litigation and client disputes, will follow. Participants will receive a one-page background fact document prior to attending this session.

Learning Objectives:

  • Evaluate the pros and cons of this method of dispute resolution and understand how arbitration differs from court litigation.
  • See, up close and personal, the arbitration process from opening statements to conclusion.
  • Learn what issues create problems for investors, financial firms, investment professionals and supervisory/compliance/risk and support personnel.
  • Learn how to avoid problems that lead to arbitration and keep records to assist in defending claims.


Pre-Class Assignment – Reading


CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Christine Kendrick, Travis Chapin, Michael Ungar


Christine Kendrick

Executive Director, Legal and Compliance Division

Morgan Stanley

Christine Kendrick’s Biography


Travis Chapin


Greenberg Traurig

Travis Chapin’s Biography

Michael Ungar

Partner Co-Chair, Ligitation Department

UB Greensfelder

Michael Ungar’s Biography

(Also offered on Tuesday at 10:35am and 3:20pm and Wednesday at 1:30pm and 3:20pm)  The ability to negotiate productively is a critical part of both business and personal success. In…

(Also offered on Tuesday at 10:35am and 3:20pm and Wednesday at 1:30pm and 3:20pm) 

The ability to negotiate productively is a critical part of both business and personal success. In this interactive session we will identify what your negotiation style is and the pros and cons of using it in certain situations.  In addition, we will conduct a mock negotiation that is both fun and challenging.  The mock negotiation will highlight several key concepts in negotiation, assist you in thinking about negotiation strategically, and help you improve the outcomes of your future negotiations.


Pre-Class Assignment


Eric Max


Eric Max

Senior Lecturer

The Wharton School

Eric Max’s Biography

Conventional wisdom is that two-thirds of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) fail to meet their financial targets/business objectives, but this need not be the case! This session considers non-financial best practices…

Conventional wisdom is that two-thirds of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) fail to meet their financial targets/business objectives, but this need not be the case! This session considers non-financial best practices in the successful implementation of mergers and acquisitions. Participants will develop a detailed framework to understand, during the valuation/bidding and preclosing stages, the strategic, cultural, and operational drivers that make an M&A deal successful. We will have an in-depth discussion of pre and post-merger integration activities, with a particular focus on including accurate cost estimates for integration aspects in the bidding process, the tradeoffs and interdependencies that firms often encounter when implementing M&A, as well as the role of M&A experience and its relationship to firm performance. Emphasis is placed on the idea that M&A is a holistic process involving staff throughout the enterprise, that encompasses both strategic and financial considerations and that spans the entire period of time from initiation, valuation and bidding all the way through to closing, implementation and post implementation.


CFP® Eligible


Emilie Feldman


Emilie Feldman

Michael L. Tarnopol Professor

The Wharton School

Professor of Management

The Wharton School

Emilie Feldman’s Biography

(Also offered on Wednesday at 1:30pm) This session will discuss the science of resilience and well-being and teach actionable skills to navigate adversity and thrive in challenging environments. Learning objectives:…

(Also offered on Wednesday at 1:30pm)

This session will discuss the science of resilience and well-being and teach actionable skills to navigate adversity and thrive in challenging environments.

Learning objectives:

  • Resilience is the capacity to navigate adversity and to grow and thrive in the face of challenges.
  • The factors that contribute to resilience.
  • The benefits of optimism in important domains of life, including relationships, health, and performance.
  • Six optimism strategies to increase resilience and build an optimistic mindset.

Attendees will have the opportunity to explore what they learn through an interactive in session breakout.


Pre-Class Assignment – Reading


Karen Reivich


Karen Reivich

Director of Resilience and Positive Psychology Training, Positive Psychology Center

University of Pennsylvania

Karen Reivich’s Biography

(Also offered on Tuesday at 8:45am and Wednesday at 3:20pm) The two challenges senior leaders cite, across industries, that are amplified in the time of a global pandemic are a…

(Also offered on Tuesday at 8:45am and Wednesday at 3:20pm)

The two challenges senior leaders cite, across industries, that are amplified in the time of a global pandemic are a high level of uncertainty and the need to balance short term and long-term needs and objectives.  Leaders in financial services face similar concerns, particularly as the global pandemic has accelerated the need for a clear digital strategy. This session interactively discusses these challenges in the context of making strategic decisions effectively.  Specifically, participants are provided five best practices that are important in “normal” conditions but are absolutely critical in a VUCA environment.  Current anecdotes supplement empirical research.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize the most important best practices in a very dynamic environment
  • Understand the importance of establishing making a decision by developing concrete strategic decision rights
  • Identify key future trends and uncertainties for the organization in order to build agility in achieving positive results


CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Kathy Pearson


Kathy Pearson

President and Founder

Enterprise Learning Solutions

Kathy Pearson’s Biography

12:15pm – 1:15pm

Check your mobile app for location.

Check your mobile app for location.

1:30pm – 3:00pm

(Also offered on Wednesday at 3:20pm) Do you prefer to communicate directly, emphasize facts over feelings?  Are you more animated in your delivery?  Do you take your listener’s feelings into…

(Also offered on Wednesday at 3:20pm)

Do you prefer to communicate directly, emphasize facts over feelings?  Are you more animated in your delivery?  Do you take your listener’s feelings into account?  Do you like to think first and then speak?  Whatever your preference, what impact does your communication style have on others in the workplace whether one-on-one or in group meetings?  How can you make the most of assets and downplay the liabilities of your communication style?  Complete the HRDQ What’s My Communication Style questionnaire as pre-work, and this session will help you identify your dominant communication style and give you the opportunity to see your style in action so that you can make the most of assets and downplay liabilities.  By the end of the session, you will have a greater appreciation of the impact of communication style on interpersonal relationships and results.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand key dimensions of communication style.
  • Identify individual preferences.
  • Practice making the most of assets and downplaying liabilities.


Pre-Class Assignment – Survey


Anne Greenhalgh


Anne Greenhalgh

Deputy Director, Anne and John McNulty Leadership Program

The Wharton School

Adjunct Professor of Management

The Wharton School

Anne Greenhalgh’s Biography

The reality is that nobody likes conflict very much.  Of course, there are those who thrive on conflict, but most managers would prefer to avoid it.  And too often they…

The reality is that nobody likes conflict very much.  Of course, there are those who thrive on conflict, but most managers would prefer to avoid it.  And too often they do just that—to the detriment of those involved.

This session will teach participants how to manage conflict.  They will learn a specific conflict resolution model and the skills that make it work.  And they will practice each step to ensure that they understand how to apply the skills.  They will also learn how to apply these skills in virtual or remote conversations.

Participants will learn how to acknowledge concerns and issues with empathy and understanding.  They will explore how to get the others speaking to understand what the real issues are.  And they will be introduced to the art of reframing in order to problem solve effectively and resolve the issues.

Avoiding conflict is not what leaders do.  They resolve it as quickly as possible and this session will introduce participants to the skills, models and techniques to do this effectively.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn a specific conflict resolution model.
  • Understand that our tendency is to be aggressive or defensive when conflict arises and how to avoid falling into these traps.
  • Investigate the skills required to resolve conflict like acknowledging, reframing, addressing and seeking elaboration.
  • Realize that conflict resolution requires give and take on both sides and that winning is not the overall objective.
  • Explore now to apply these skills remotely.


Pre-Class Assignment – Short Exercise


Eric Baron


Eric Baron


Eric Baron Consulting

Adjunt Professor, Columbia Business School

Columbia University

Eric Baron’s Biography

In many industries today, and especially in finance, organizations operate in ecosystems made up of powerful and highly interconnected stakeholders. Companies that figure out how to manage this complexity will…

In many industries today, and especially in finance, organizations operate in ecosystems made up of powerful and highly interconnected stakeholders. Companies that figure out how to manage this complexity will enjoy a powerful competitive advantage in finding and selecting innovations. Participants will be introduced to a tool-based ideation process that helps them think through ways of innovating their companies’ product or service offerings. The methodology allows managers to identify innovation growth opportunities and select insightfully among them, thus ensuring that the company is responsive not only to the pressing needs of the direct customers, but also to the needs and concerns of the other stakeholders in its ecosystem.

Learning Objectives:

  • A solid conceptual understanding of ecosystem-driven innovation.
  • A tool to map the needs of an organization’s ecosystem players and to strategically create ecosystem-driven advantage.


Pre-Class Assignment – Reading


CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Martin Ihrig


Martin Ihrig

Senior Fellow

The Wharton School

Associate Dean and Clinical Professor

New York University

Martin Ihrig’s Biography

In theory, retirement begins on the day an employee receives their last paycheck—that is also the day that they begin to looking at their investments differently. The paycheck is, in…

In theory, retirement begins on the day an employee receives their last paycheck—that is also the day that they begin to looking at their investments differently. The paycheck is, in essence, an investment safety net and one that no longer exists for a retiree.  Shifting demographics, elongated lifespans, increasing inflation expectations, the decline in pensions, and secular changes in the interest rate environment are just some of the issues forcing the financial services industry to redraw the playbook for retirement income. This session will explore the differences between the accumulation and distribution phases of the investing cycle. It will detail the history of retirement cash flow generation and introduce a new, more diversified approach using a wide array of investment solutions available in today’s marketplace.  With more than $2.5 trillion in self-managed 401k assets preparing for rollover in the next decade, professional advice has never been more needed. For many, particularly the underfunded, it could be the difference between eating caviar or cat food in retirement.

Learning Objectives:

  • Differentiating strategies for asset accumulation versus distribution
  • Equities—the difference between dividend producers and dividend growers
  • Fixed income investing in a low (but normalizing) interest rate environment
  • Income diversification strategies
  • Understanding the need for flexibility in retirement income


CFP®, CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Bryan Piskorowski


Bryan Piskorowski

Head of Advice and Investment Guidance, Wealth Client Group

Allspring Global Investments

Bryan Piskorowski’s Biography

(Also offered on Monday at 3:20pm) Why do we fall prey to the “art of the con”?  Why do some individuals gain support for their ideas in meetings, while others…

(Also offered on Monday at 3:20pm)

Why do we fall prey to the “art of the con”?  Why do some individuals gain support for their ideas in meetings, while others seemingly languish?  At the core of any organization’s performance are the decisions that leaders make…those financial, strategic, human resource, marketing and leadership decisions that in the end determine an organization’s performance. Thus, understanding how to improve decision-making is a truly fundamental leadership requirement. In this session, we will discuss the decision “traps” most commonly observed. These biases are unfortunately widespread because they are in large part determined by how the human brain operates. Drawing on recent research, this session will expose participants to decision biases through short exercises and offer ways to alleviate them.  Issues to be covered: outlining the components of great “cons”; establishing “the problem” to be solved; making a decision; and, building trust.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand how we are all susceptible to “irrational” decisions in certain situations
  • Ways to spot such biases within one’s own organization or team
  • Frameworks to counteract decision biases


Pre-Class Assignment – Reading


CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Jim Austin


Jim Austin


The Wharton School

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Health Services, Policy and Practice

Brown University

Jim Austin’s Biography

(Also offered on Tuesday at 8:45am) In this elective course Professor Tiffany will review the origins of the current global economy and how the recent Presidential election might affect international…

(Also offered on Tuesday at 8:45am)

In this elective course Professor Tiffany will review the origins of the current global economy and how the recent Presidential election might affect international political-economic relations going forward.  The presentation will be preceded by a required short video that participants may view at their leisure prior to the “live” session in Philadelphia.  The video will provide background content so that live session can focus exclusively on current issues and allow sufficient time for participant discussion.  To facilitate this, all attendees will be required to submit a written response (one or more paragraphs) to a given question regarding the video content.

The US elections of 2020 created a potentially profound shift in recent American economic policy, both domestic and global. At the national level there are questions regarding the fate of Trump era corporate tax and business regulation statutes, while in the international arena the prior President staked out positions radically different from those of the post-World War II “Bretton Woods System” engineered by the US.  This latter political-economic regime guided much of the world as “globalization” took hold and many Emerging Nations—especially China—prospered in what was termed the “neoliberal order.” Yet one critical result of Trump’s nationalistic “America First” agenda has been deep uncertainty about the future prospects of international trade policies, which played a significant role in the overall growth of global prosperity for the past 70 years. This is especially critical for the domestic financial services industry which has grown significantly due to globalization. But with Trump no longer in the White House will his “New World Order” of “economic nationalism” remain, or will his policies be seen as little more than a brief deviation from the liberalization of trade (and global politics) of the recent past?  Regardless of the answer, the effects will be profound for America’s economy and the prospects of many US-based firms including those in financial services, to say nothing of the nation’s citizens themselves.

Learning Objectives:

  • To inform participants of the broader economic and political global trends of the recent past and how these may affect the direction of the American economy in the 21st Century going forward.
  • To attempt to put the current political situation of a Biden Presidency into a framework that can provide insight to potential economic shifts in the world economy and the financial services industry.
  • To stimulate participant thinking about how the changing global political-economic environment will affect economic progress in the United States in the coming decades ahead as a resurgent China makes claims for global leadership.


Pre-Class Assignment – Video


CFP®, CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Paul Tiffany


Paul Tiffany

Senior Lecturer (Emeritus)

Hass School of Business, University of California, Berkeley

Paul Tiffany’s Biography

The 21st century has and will continue to see a revolution in the way we think about money. In this session, financial historian and legal scholar Peter Conti-Brown will provide…

The 21st century has and will continue to see a revolution in the way we think about money. In this session, financial historian and legal scholar Peter Conti-Brown will provide an overview of what money is, where it comes from, and where it is going. He will focus on revolutions to the payment system, including central bank digital currency and crypto currency; what new regulatory approaches to fintech will mean; and what entrepreneurial options you should watch in 2022 and beyond.


CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Peter Conti-Brown


Peter Conti-Brown

Class of 1965 Associate Professor of Financial Regulation

The Wharton School

Nonresident Fellow in Economic Studies

The Brookings Institution

Peter Conti-Brown’s Biography

The hardest job is boiling down complex information into a short pitch, yet that is what leaders are expected to do and what you expect from your direct reports. No…

The hardest job is boiling down complex information into a short pitch, yet that is what leaders are expected to do and what you expect from your direct reports. No one has the time or attention span for much more than a minute. In this course you will learn how to literally “Make a Minute Matter” which involves what you say and how you say it. You will learn and practice the 3×3 Message development method and an easy formula to provide structured feedback on a speaker’s delivery style. This will be highly interactive– each of you will have the opportunity to pitch and receive individual feedback. You will walk away a better communicator and a better coach for your employees.

Learning Objectives:

  • Polish communication skills to increase impact and confidence
  • Learn the 3×3 message development method
  • Receive and deliver structured individual feedback


Pre-Class Assignment – Short Exercise


Mary Civiello


(Also offered on Tuesday at 1:30pm) Economies and markets globally are impacted by the policy actions of Central Banks, especially the US Federal Reserve (FED). Central Banks such as the…

(Also offered on Tuesday at 1:30pm)

Economies and markets globally are impacted by the policy actions of Central Banks, especially the US Federal Reserve (FED).

Central Banks such as the FED have a predominant influence on interest rates, which have major impacts on economies and financial markets. Even before the worldwide economic recession (practically a short depression) in Spring 2020, caused by the pandemic, many Central Banks ran expansionary monetary policies. This meant they engineered low, and in some cases negative in Europe and Japan, interest rates. Monetary policy became much more expansionary or “looser” to restore economies after the pandemic led to record unemployment in April 2020.  Looking at time periods before the response to the pandemic, the “inverted yield curve” and the FED’s reaction to it in 2019 (reducing short-term rates) is a prime example of the interaction between economic forecasts and monetary policy.

The FED has a dual mandate to maximize employment while also keeping inflation low and steady. The FED monitors key variables related both to the job market and to inflation.  We will analyze different gauges on the Federal Reserve’s “job market dashboard” and its “inflation dashboard.” Pre-pandemic the U.S. exceeded ‘full employment’ as commonly defined and measured by the official unemployment rate. However, other metrics did not indicate truly full employment. Of course, the pandemic has led to massive underemployment globally. We will analyze various forms of underemployment. Next, we portray the improving job market from the tough in April 2020 until now.  A recent key is the interplay of monetary policy and inflation. Expansionary monetary policy (which entails buying bonds to increase the money supply and lower interest rates) could cause inflation, as we have seen recently (exacerbated by supply-chain problems), and rising inflation leads to pressure to tighten monetary policy.

Our analysis of the “job market dashboard” and the “inflation dashboard” will highlight metrics which are crucial for the FED’s decisions about interest rates. These decisions have a strong influence on financial markets. We will discuss the recent path and forecasts for inflation and unemployment, given the FED’s targets.

Beyond the FED, we will analyze the policies and actions of other major Central Banks, including those which have adopted negative interest rates. By looking at various Central Banks, we can gain insight into the movements of exchange rates as well as of interest rates.

Finally, aware of the racial inequality and the need for systemic justice in the US, the FED has been working on an implicit third mandate: to use monetary policy to try to improve economic opportunity for all. We will discuss this new focus.

This session will engage participants by analyzing the current state and prospects for monetary policy. This analysis will enable participants to explore the future of economies and financial markets.

Learning Objectives:

  • Financial professionals need to understand the dynamics of the economy and financial markets. It is crucial to understand the impact of monetary policy on financial markets and economies, especially on the job market and inflation. This session aims to heighten such knowledge.
  • The performance of the US job market, and the degree of underemployment or “slack,” has been the subject of intense analysis by economists, financial professionals, and policymakers since the financial crash of 2008-09.  This concern regarding underemployment spiked due to the 22 million jobs lost when the US locked down in March and April 2020. Job gains have been strong since then, driving unemployment down and leading to record job openings. An objective here is to discuss the metrics used by experts to analyze the job market and its practical impacts. We will link the job market metrics to policy actions by Central Banks that impact interest rates and exchange rates.
  • Markets and economies globally are impacted by the policies of Central Banks such as the FED. The FED has an “inflation dashboard” of metrics useful for determining monetary policy, especially setting interest rates. An objective is to analyze inflation and policy linkages.
  • This session aims to be highly engaging, discussing with financial professionals the implications of possible policy actions by the FED and other major Central Banks on potential investment strategies.


CFP®, CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Jeffrey Rosensweig


Jeffrey Rosensweig

Director of the John Robson Program for Business, Public Policy, and Government

Goizueta Business School, Emory University

Jeffrey Rosensweig’s Biography

(Also offered on Tuesday at 10:35am and 3:20pm and Wednesday at 10:35am and 3:20pm)  The ability to negotiate productively is a critical part of both business and personal success. In…

(Also offered on Tuesday at 10:35am and 3:20pm and Wednesday at 10:35am and 3:20pm) 

The ability to negotiate productively is a critical part of both business and personal success. In this interactive session we will identify what your negotiation style is and the pros and cons of using it in certain situations.  In addition, we will conduct a mock negotiation that is both fun and challenging.  The mock negotiation will highlight several key concepts in negotiation, assist you in thinking about negotiation strategically, and help you improve the outcomes of your future negotiations.


Pre-Class Assignment


Eric Max


Eric Max

Senior Lecturer

The Wharton School

Eric Max’s Biography

Ideal for: Participants who would like to get familiar with the private equity industry, learn the anatomy of a deal, industry trends, and understand the sources of value creation and…

Ideal for: Participants who would like to get familiar with the private equity industry, learn the anatomy of a deal, industry trends, and understand the sources of value creation and the drivers of return of private equity funds.

Private equity is an asset class that has the potential to generate sustainable long-term returns for its investors. Although it is a relatively new asset class with some unique characteristics that may not be familiar to investors, it has become a key component of many investors’ portfolios. In this entry-level elective session, we will cover the structure of a private equity fund and describe how a private equity fund operates and governs its portfolio companies. We will talk about the changing trends in the private equity industry. We will also discuss whether and how a private equity fund creates value in a changing macroeconomic landscape.


CFP®, CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Bulent Gultekin


Bulent Gultekin

Associate Professor of Finance

The Wharton School

Bulent Gultekin’s Biography

(Also offered on Wednesday at 10:35am) This session will discuss the science of resilience and well-being and teach actionable skills to navigate adversity and thrive in challenging environments. Learning objectives:…

(Also offered on Wednesday at 10:35am)

This session will discuss the science of resilience and well-being and teach actionable skills to navigate adversity and thrive in challenging environments.

Learning objectives:

  • Resilience is the capacity to navigate adversity and to grow and thrive in the face of challenges.
  • The factors that contribute to resilience.
  • The benefits of optimism in important domains of life, including relationships, health, and performance.
  • Six optimism strategies to increase resilience and build an optimistic mindset.


Attendees will have the opportunity to explore what they learn through an interactive in session breakout.


Pre-Class Assignment – Reading


Karen Reivich


Karen Reivich

Director of Resilience and Positive Psychology Training, Positive Psychology Center

University of Pennsylvania

Karen Reivich’s Biography

Finance has long left the era of gold for the new digital-based money.  Ones and zeros are the basis of our operations, in our apps, our clouds, and our devices,…

Finance has long left the era of gold for the new digital-based money.  Ones and zeros are the basis of our operations, in our apps, our clouds, and our devices, but with changes coming in the abilities of artificial intelligence to change realities, quantum general purpose computers to decrypt our communications, and 5G networks that provide for direct connections to thousands of untrusted devices in real time, trust will become the most valuable commodity in the financial sector.  Learn how to refocus your efforts to engender trust in everything you do, starting with the boardrooms and executive suites.  Join Tom Patterson, the co-lead for the National Cyber Moonshot that is focused on the national strategy to make the Internet safe and secure by the end of this decade, and learn the necessary steps to take today to build trust with all of your stakeholders.


CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Tom Patterson


Tom Patterson

Managing Director, Emerging Technology Security


Tom Patterson’s Biography

This session focuses on three cases in which the presenter led collaborative efforts to build the visions needed to energize and guide needed change in three very different and highly…

This session focuses on three cases in which the presenter led collaborative efforts to build the visions needed to energize and guide needed change in three very different and highly complex organizations.  General Rapp was the commander (CEO/President) of each organization – all of whom knew he would only be with them for a finite period of time and thus they could hold their breath and outwait him.  The first was a 5200-strong Corps of Engineers division that controlled all waterways, flood control, hydropower, environmental restoration, and regulation from St. Louis north and west to the Puget Sound (14 US states.)  The second was the 17500-strong organization he led in Afghanistan where the U.S. needed to rapidly change the mindset from surge to drawdown and put all logistics and transportation infrastructure in place to meet the President’s guidance.  The third was the 1100-strong US Army War College where he needed to change the culture of an academic institution.  Most corporate and public entity visions he has seen are palliatives that say little and drive less.  General Rapp found that, if well-constructed, attuned to the work force, and informing a strategic plan, a vision can be extremely powerful in creating organizational change.  Discussing those cases and the resulting lessons are the focus of the session.

Learning Objectives:

  • Review three visioning case studies for common themes in creating organizational change.
  • Discuss methods for changing organizational visions and culture.



William Rapp


William Rapp

Major General (Ret)

U.S. Army


Rapp Leadership Group, LLC

William Rapp’s Biography

3:20pm – 4:50pm

(Also offered on Wednesday at 10:35am) You can’t drive a car looking in the rear view mirror.  Traditional metrics are backward looking.  They keep score. What did you do last…

(Also offered on Wednesday at 10:35am)

You can’t drive a car looking in the rear view mirror.  Traditional metrics are backward looking.  They keep score. What did you do last month, last quarter and last year?  Companies need to keep score to assess performance: growth, margin, return on equity, and total shareholder return are common metrics.  They do not tell you how the company will do in the future. Value is about the future.  In the age of agile, companies need to increasingly start putting forward looking and predictive metrics on their dashboards.  The Agile Dashboard was researched and developed to help organizations address this gap. The Agile Dashboard looks at three categories of metrics: Speed, Interaction Time and Pivot. These are critical elements for leaders to monitor whether their organizations are prepared to operate successfully in an uncertain future.  This session will explain each of the three sections of the Agile Dashboard, provide metrics for each and share examples of their applicability to financial organizations.


Pre-Class Assignment – Reading


Joseph Perfetti


Joseph Perfetti

Lecturer, Department of Finance

University of Maryland, College Park

Joseph Perfetti’s Biography

(Also offered on Wednesday at 10:35am) Definition of Business Agility: The ability of an organization to: Adapt quickly to market changes - internally and externally. Respond rapidly and flexibly to customer…

(Also offered on Wednesday at 10:35am)

Definition of Business Agility: The ability of an organization to: Adapt quickly to market changes – internally and externally. Respond rapidly and flexibly to customer demands. Adapt and lead change in a productive and cost-effective way without compromising quality. Continuously be at a competitive advantage. 


We are all facing an incredible amount of change in our businesses and our lives. Virtual meetings, working from home, evolving customer and employee expectations, uncertain economic times, massive shifts in the marketplace, and more. Many of the things that used to work, no longer do. To succeed, every one of us must dramatically increase our AQ, our Adaptability Quotient.


The ability to let go of outdated ideas, embrace change, drive innovation, and do it all with speed and agility is critical. It calls for the courage to take a hard look at your current business model and redesign your strategy, tactics, and behaviors to set a new course for your organization’s future.


It sounds daunting, but it is also exciting…  for amid chaos there is opportunity. Every adversity you face carries with it an equal chance to create something great. Businesses that are flexible, fast, and focused will have the advantage. As Darwin noted, “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; it is the one most adaptable to change.”


Learning Objectives:

  • Discover the three things it takes to be an effective leader in the future
  • Understand how to improve your AQ
  • Explore how to create and maintain an adaptable and agile organization
  • Examine four key elements that are foundational for business success
  • Learn how to avoid focusing on triage and tactical in order to think more strategically
  • Recognize that the way we do business has changed permanently in many ways; how are you adapting, leading your teams, and building refocused strategies?


John Spence


John Spence

Managing Partner

John Spence, LLC

John Spence’s Biography

(Also offered on Wednesday at 10:35am) In this experiential session, participants explore behaviors that improve collaborative relationships. The session introduces practical, applicable skills for increasing the ability to effectively communicate…

(Also offered on Wednesday at 10:35am)

In this experiential session, participants explore behaviors that improve collaborative relationships. The session introduces practical, applicable skills for increasing the ability to effectively communicate with others — to hear and be heard.  The atmosphere of the session is lighthearted and fun, utilizing a variety of activities, including exercises based in improvisational theater training.  No one is singled out — all exercises are performed in large or small groups.  The facilitator creates a comfortable atmosphere in which all participants are supported and encouraged.  Every exercise is debriefed to maximize its application to the participants’ unique needs.  The result is a positive transformation of the participants’ communication skill-set.

Learning Objectives:

  • Explore tools to enhance one’s ability to be fully present, focused and energized while working with others.
  • Practice effective listening skills.
  • Practice releasing inner scripts and agendas and, instead, build upon others’ ideas.
  • Explore the concept of ‘true collaboration’ in equal partnership toward reaching a goal.
  • Explore the concept ‘Perception Overrides Intention’
  • Explore non-verbal communication (body language)
  • Practice skills in Emotional Congruency (matching content with delivery), in order to enhance authenticity and build trust
  • Explore the benefits of ‘tolerance for the unknown’
  • Practice the skill of recovering smoothly from mistakes
  • Increase ability to collaboratively innovate.
  • Increase confidence in spontaneous behavior.
  • Increase effectiveness in workplace collaboration by recognizing one’s strengths and challenges.
  • Explore the benefits of ‘transparency’ and ‘curiosity’ to connect and build trust with others.


Please note participants will be on their feet for most of the session.


Bobbi Block


Bobbi Block

Independent Faculty

The Wharton School

Adjunct Professor, Theatre Department

Temple University and Drexel University

Bobbi Block’s Biography

(Also offered on Wednesday at 1:30pm) Do you prefer to communicate directly, emphasize facts over feelings?  Are you more animated in your delivery?  Do you take your listener’s feelings into…

(Also offered on Wednesday at 1:30pm)

Do you prefer to communicate directly, emphasize facts over feelings?  Are you more animated in your delivery?  Do you take your listener’s feelings into account?  Do you like to think first and then speak?  Whatever your preference, what impact does your communication style have on others in the workplace whether one-on-one or in group meetings?  How can you make the most of assets and downplay the liabilities of your communication style?  Complete the HRDQ What’s My Communication Style questionnaire as pre-work, and this session will help you identify your dominant communication style and give you the opportunity to see your style in action so that you can make the most of assets and downplay liabilities.  By the end of the session, you will have a greater appreciation of the impact of communication style on interpersonal relationships and results.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand key dimensions of communication style.
  • Identify individual preferences.
  • Practice making the most of assets and downplaying liabilities.


Pre-Class Assignment – Survey


Anne Greenhalgh


Anne Greenhalgh

Deputy Director, Anne and John McNulty Leadership Program

The Wharton School

Adjunct Professor of Management

The Wharton School

Anne Greenhalgh’s Biography

(Also offered on Wednesday at 10:35am) Research from Google’s best-performing teams suggests that among many factors that contribute to the health of a team, the most important lever is the…

(Also offered on Wednesday at 10:35am)

Research from Google’s best-performing teams suggests that among many factors that contribute to the health of a team, the most important lever is the presence of “psychological safety”. Drawing upon current research– from Google, MIT and other organizations — we will explore what psychological safety means, why it’s so important, and what you, as leaders can do to create the conditions for it on your teams.

Though we may believe we are creating the conditions for collaboration to occur, we may inadvertently undermine psychological safety – often fueled by our own emotional immaturity. So, in addition to exploring what you can do to create psychological safety, we will also discuss the barriers within you that may get in the way. What is most required is that we practice “growing up at work”.

What’s at stake is a more collaborative team environment, as well as greater engagement and aliveness for all.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand critical elements that contribute to a collaborative team environment—with a specific focus upon psychological safety
  • Identify where you, as a leader, are doing things well, and how you could do even more to create psychological safety for team members
  • Explore the barriers inside of you that keep you from promoting psychological safety and better understand what it means for you – and others – to “grow up at work”


Yael C. Sivi


Yael C. Sivi

Co-Founder and Executive Coach

Collaborative Coaching, LLC

Yael C. Sivi’s Biography

(Also offered on Tuesday at 1:30pm) High performance requires effective execution and, for many organizations, change management. Unfortunately, major change efforts have a dismal track record. In multiple studies, highlighting…

(Also offered on Tuesday at 1:30pm)

High performance requires effective execution and, for many organizations, change management. Unfortunately, major change efforts have a dismal track record. In multiple studies, highlighting the experiences of hundreds of companies initiating large-scale changes, the overwhelming results are poor. For example:

  • John Kotter’s seminal research in the field of change management half a century ago revealed that only 30% of change programs succeed.
  • A 2008 global IBM study of major change initiatives found that only 41% fully met their objectives, while 44% missed their budget, time, or quality goals, and 15% were seen as total failures.
  • In 2013, a report that aggregated over 6,000 senior executive surveys revealed that 70% of change efforts fail to achieve their target impact.

As the Harvard Business Review’s editor articulated so well in discussing why so many transformation efforts fail:

“…no business survives over the long term if it can’t reinvent itself. But human nature being what it is, fundamental change is often resisted mightily by the people it most affects: those in the trenches of the business. Thus, leading change is both absolutely essential and incredibly difficult” (Kotter 2007).

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand a 3-step process for driving execution
  • Improve the capacity to lead change


Pre-Class Assignment – Reading


Jim Austin


Jim Austin


The Wharton School

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Health Services, Policy and Practice

Brown University

Jim Austin’s Biography

(Also offered on Wednesday at 10:35am) Did you ever wonder how the firm you work for makes money?  Have you listened to your Chief Financial Officer talk about the quarterly…

(Also offered on Wednesday at 10:35am)

Did you ever wonder how the firm you work for makes money?  Have you listened to your Chief Financial Officer talk about the quarterly earnings, and walk away scratching your head?  This introductory session developed for those without a financial background takes a simplified look at where the money comes from and where it goes to determine the profit (loss) announced in that last quarterly report.  Focusing on financial services firms, we will look at the businesses of our industry and how they drive the core operating activities.  In layman’s terms we will break down the income streams and expenses taking the jargon out of financial reporting.  If you would like a simple explanation of “ratios” like EBITDA, EPS, ROI, RWC and buzz words like Tier 1 Capital, deferred tax assets and non-counterparty risk, then this is the session for you.

Following this session, you will be able to:

  • Better understand your firm’s financial statements and the jargon around your firm’s quarterly announcements
  • Know the drivers behind the business of financial services
  • Have a good feel for the types of risk in our industry and how they impact your firm.

This way, the next time your firm reports earnings, you will be able to understand the rhetoric, the balance sheet, and the income statement, making you a better-informed employee.


CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible



Gerald Schreck


Gerald Schreck

SVP, Head of Advisor Education and Training


Gerald Schreck’s Biography

The session focuses on the question of how to sustain a successful enterprise during periods of disruptive change. It draws on case studies and recent examples to discuss the challenges…

The session focuses on the question of how to sustain a successful enterprise during periods of disruptive change. It draws on case studies and recent examples to discuss the challenges of managing discontinuous changes in an industry. The instructor will share frameworks that enable a systematic approach to evaluating and managing the different types of changes confronting a firm both from strategic and organizational perspectives.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the different types of disruptions that take place in an industry
  • Evaluate the different strategic choices in the face of disruptive change
  • Manage disruption through an agile organization



Rahul Kapoor


Rahul Kapoor

David W. Hauck Professor

The Wharton School

Professor of Management Chairperson, Management Department

The Wharton School

Rahul Kapoor’s Biography

(Also offered on Wednesday at 10:35am) Leaders inspire, build capacity in others, lead change, and motivate employees to do more than they thought possible. This session includes a short exercise…

(Also offered on Wednesday at 10:35am)

Leaders inspire, build capacity in others, lead change, and motivate employees to do more than they thought possible. This session includes a short exercise where we watch film clips to identify inspirational leadership behaviors. The team exercise involves teams participating in a video case about the Civil War Battle of Gettysburg, a dynamic and situation where they must determine how to inspire soldiers to overcome their frustrations to fight along with their unit. Each team presents an inspiring vision and employs inspirational behaviors to respond to the crisis. Selected individuals deliver the team’s vision statement to the class. Learning Objectives After this session, you should be able to: – Discuss the impact of ambiguity and uncertainty on individual psychology and performance – Recognize the components and leader behaviors associated with inspirational leadership: leadership that promotes a personal connection, builds confidence, demonstrates a caring attitude, and includes great expectations – Employ these behaviors in a video case, and learn how to construct and effectively communicate a vision for followers.

Learning Objectives:

  • We will discuss how visionary leaders inspire people to connect to the organization’s purpose.
  • We will understand where their particular contributions fit into the vision and how they belong to something larger than themselves.


Todd Henshaw


Todd Henshaw

President and Founder

Leader Development Associates

Senior Fellow, Center for Leadership and Change Management

The Wharton School

Todd Henshaw’s Biography

(Also offered on Wednesday at 10:35am) True presence is a highly-sought after and crucially important skill for the modern executive.  Successful leaders in every field have that rare combination of…

(Also offered on Wednesday at 10:35am)

True presence is a highly-sought after and crucially important skill for the modern executive.  Successful leaders in every field have that rare combination of confidence, charisma, self-awareness and inspiration.  Easily seen and difficult to describe, stage presence or leadership presence is an attribute that we all feel is something which would make us better leaders.  It is the ability to authentically connect with and engage audiences.  Presence is a skill that we need in one-on-one encounters as well as when presenting to 1000 people.  True presence allows us to read the room and to lift audiences away from the many distractions that are a part of everyday life in order to inspire, persuade and build momentum toward a strong vision.  It brings people from the ordinary into the extraordinary.  While some might argue that presence is an innate quality, this workshop will prove otherwise as we demystify the building blocks of presence and train ourselves to strengthen our own engagement with audiences.  By learning to be more “present,” participants will understand how to be more motivational as a leader, more convincing as a negotiator and more open and honest as a team member.  This workshop develops and utilizes a practical toolkit for leaders to continue working on their presence and their ability to communicate their vision and their story long after the workshop has ended.

Learning Objectives:

  • To strengthen one’s own Leadership Presence and ability to motivate and inspire others.
  • To develop and use an authentic presentation style.
  • To recognize and overcome individual habits when connecting and engaging with audiences.




Quinn Bauriedel


Quinn Bauriedel

Co-Founder & Co-Artistic Director

Pig Iron Theater Company

Associate Professor

Rowan University

Quinn Bauriedel’s Biography

Over 100 years ago 28 adventurers were stranded for nearly two years in Antarctica.  Incredibly, they all survived.  Their story and that of their leader, Ernest Shackleton, evidence many of…

Over 100 years ago 28 adventurers were stranded for nearly two years in Antarctica.  Incredibly, they all survived.  Their story and that of their leader, Ernest Shackleton, evidence many of the now recognized best practices for leading through challenging times.  This session explores the story of Shackleton’s expedition, mining it for illustrations of best practices for today’s leaders trying to lead through current challenging times.


Pre-Class Assignment – Video


Gregory Shea


Gregory Shea

Senior Fellow, Center for Leadership and Change

The Wharton School

Adjunct Professor of Management

The Wharton School

Gregory Shea’s Biography

(Also offered on Wednesday at 10:35am) Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a critical component for effective leadership and a significant contributor to excelling in the workplace. The good news is, regardless…

(Also offered on Wednesday at 10:35am)

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a critical component for effective leadership and a significant contributor to excelling in the workplace. The good news is, regardless of one’s starting point, we can improve EI skills and abilities by thinking intelligently about emotions and using emotions to better think intelligently. To this end, using exercises and clips, participants engage in learning, practicing, and improving each of the EI components, with the goal of better understanding how to improve reading, engaging and leading oneself and others for the long term.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understanding and increasing Emotional Intelligence
  • Using Emotional Intelligence to enhance organizational interactions and engagement by better understand others as well as our own cognitions and actions


Dafna Eylon


Dafna Eylon


Eylon Associates

Dafna Eylon’s Biography

(Also offered on Tuesday at 10:35am and 3:20pm and Wednesday at 10:35am and 1:30pm)  The ability to negotiate productively is a critical part of both business and personal success. In…

(Also offered on Tuesday at 10:35am and 3:20pm and Wednesday at 10:35am and 1:30pm) 

The ability to negotiate productively is a critical part of both business and personal success. In this interactive session we will identify what your negotiation style is and the pros and cons of using it in certain situations.  In addition, we will conduct a mock negotiation that is both fun and challenging.  The mock negotiation will highlight several key concepts in negotiation, assist you in thinking about negotiation strategically, and help you improve the outcomes of your future negotiations.


Pre-Class Assignment


Eric Max


Eric Max

Senior Lecturer

The Wharton School

Eric Max’s Biography

(Also offered on Tuesday at 8:45am and Wednesday at 10:35am) The two challenges senior leaders cite, across industries, that are amplified in the time of a global pandemic are a…

(Also offered on Tuesday at 8:45am and Wednesday at 10:35am)

The two challenges senior leaders cite, across industries, that are amplified in the time of a global pandemic are a high level of uncertainty and the need to balance short term and long-term needs and objectives.  Leaders in financial services face similar concerns, particularly as the global pandemic has accelerated the need for a clear digital strategy. This session interactively discusses these challenges in the context of making strategic decisions effectively.  Specifically, participants are provided five best practices that are important in “normal” conditions but are absolutely critical in a VUCA environment.  Current anecdotes supplement empirical research.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize the most important best practices in a very dynamic environment
  • Understand the importance of establishing making a decision by developing concrete strategic decision rights
  • Identify key future trends and uncertainties for the organization in order to build agility in achieving positive results


CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Kathy Pearson


Kathy Pearson

President and Founder

Enterprise Learning Solutions

Kathy Pearson’s Biography

Everyone in strategy is saying that the key to growth, even just survival, is via continuous and rapid innovation. But the real key to growth via profitable innovation is the…

Everyone in strategy is saying that the key to growth, even just survival, is via continuous and rapid innovation. But the real key to growth via profitable innovation is the strategic development and management of your knowledge: the insights of your employees, your technology, your core competences, and your intellectual property.  This session will provide you with the foundation from which to prosper in this, the knowledge age. It will give you specific tools and frameworks to map your critical knowledge, design a program to strategically develop your knowledge, and then exploit it to successfully grow your organization.

Learning Objectives:

  • A solid conceptual understanding of how to create and strategically manage competitive knowledge.
  • A tool to assess knowledge-based advantage and to map and develop an organization’s portfolio of critical knowledge assets.


Pre-Class Assignment


CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible



Martin Ihrig


Martin Ihrig

Senior Fellow

The Wharton School

Associate Dean and Clinical Professor

New York University

Martin Ihrig’s Biography

7:15am – 8:15am

Breakfast will be served at all SII hotel properties.

Breakfast will be served at all SII hotel properties.

8:45am – 10:15am

 Economic disparities – whether along gender, racial, or geographic lines – are a multi-faceted problem with complex solutions. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has most acutely impacted women and communities of color.…

 Economic disparities – whether along gender, racial, or geographic lines – are a multi-faceted problem with complex solutions. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has most acutely impacted women and communities of color. In this panel, hear from the leading economists, business and community leaders on the cost of inequality, and how these disparities affect individuals, communities, and the economy as a whole.


Janie L. Mines, Ellen Zentner


Janie L. Mines

SVP Inclusion & Innovation

Academy Securities

Janie L. Mines’s Biography

Ellen Zentner

Chief Economic Strategist and Global Head of Thematic and Macro Investing, Wealth Management

Morgan Stanley

Ellen Zentner’s Biography

In the #MeToo era, companies face increased pressure to ensure that opportunities and rewards are distributed equitably across the gender divide.  In this course, we will discuss cutting edge empirical…

In the #MeToo era, companies face increased pressure to ensure that opportunities and rewards are distributed equitably across the gender divide.  In this course, we will discuss cutting edge empirical work exploring how gender bias manifests in the modern workplace, as well as what strategies and programs have proven most effective in countering it.


CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Mary-Hunter McDonnell


Mary-Hunter McDonnell

Bantwal Family Goldman Sachs Presidential Associate Professor of Management

Faculty Co-Director, Zicklin Center for Corporate Governance

The Wharton School

Mary-Hunter McDonnell’s Biography

Driving Inclusion and Diversity has been a critical priority for organizations for many years, and open dialogue about what has worked and what has not, has accelerated since the increased…

Driving Inclusion and Diversity has been a critical priority for organizations for many years, and open dialogue about what has worked and what has not, has accelerated since the increased focus on social justice following the death of George Floyd.  Our Industry has undertaken many initiatives in this space, beyond public rhetoric and conversations on the topic.  There is an immediate opportunity for the Financial Services Industry to drive collective improvement of the financial health of diverse communities, as well as their representation in the Industry.

Research provides us with many insights into how we can generate results, as well as the scope of the opportunity, which suggests great improvement in the sustainable long term business models for our Firms.  Participants leave the session with a better appreciation for why I&D matters from multiple perspectives, actions which can help narrow the wealth gap in diverse communities and business opportunities created, as well as approaches to create a more diverse workforce in the Financial Services Industry.


Learning Objectives:

  • Why inclusion and diversity is an ethical issue.
  • Reframing I&D as a business case for wealth creation and economic growth.
  • Earning trust in diverse communities.
  • Industry collective impact. Sharing best practices.
  • Strategies to recruit and retain a diverse workforce.


George Nichols III

Inclusion and Diversity has been a topic of conversation for employers for many years. On May 25, 2020, following the death of George Floyd, the conversation seemingly hit a pivot…

Inclusion and Diversity has been a topic of conversation for employers for many years. On May 25, 2020, following the death of George Floyd, the conversation seemingly hit a pivot point, with CEOs embarking on listening sessions around the world, making public proclamations and increasing the numbers of conversations on the topic.

With years of research on the subject now collected, we know how to turn conversations into results.  Participants leave the session with a better appreciation for why I&D matters, what companies need to do about it and how being an active advocate for women and diverse employees will accelerate their careers.

Learning Objectives:

  • Why inclusion and diversity matters
  • How I&D leads to better business outcomes
  • How to understand what your company is (and is not doing) to drive I&D
  • Strategies and tactics for making meaningful progress
  • Tips for behaving differently at work, for the betterment of the company and own careers


CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Brad Messinger


Brad Messinger

Northeast Region Leader

Willis Towers Watson

Brad Messinger’s Biography

Inclusive leaders today will be wise to understand the historical underpinnings of systemic inequality and inequity, while developing the cultural dexterity required to lead change and galvanize the trust of…

Inclusive leaders today will be wise to understand the historical underpinnings of systemic inequality and inequity, while developing the cultural dexterity required to lead change and galvanize the trust of colleagues, shareholders, and stakeholders alike.


This enhanced understanding and learning positions leaders to lead dialogue across differences, model openness and attentiveness, and garner support that will be required to demonstrate an organization-wide approach to inclusion and equity.


Learning Objectives:

  • Highlight the benefits of inclusion – organizationally and personally
  • Explore the behaviors and barriers to inclusive leadership
  • Identify actions that leaders across levels can take to advance inclusion and equity in their organizations.


Leaders must demonstrate seriousness about inclusion and equity becoming a core component of their organizations, and commit to being role models, allies, and drivers of change.


Harvey Floyd II


Harvey Floyd II


The Wharton School

Harvey Floyd II’s Biography

(Also offered virtually on Wednesday, February 16th at 12:00pm - 1:30pm EST) The MicroInequities: Managing Unconscious Bias™ program focuses entirely on actionable solutions to actively manage unconscious bias in the…

(Also offered virtually on Wednesday, February 16th at 12:00pm – 1:30pm EST)

The MicroInequities: Managing Unconscious Bias™ program focuses entirely on actionable solutions to actively manage unconscious bias in the workplace—actions that result in measurable behavior change. It provides the techniques and tools that make people skilled at driving change—not just being aware.

Being smarter about Unconscious Bias isn’t good enough—People must become motivated and skilled. Participants leave the session with the ability to immediately put what they learned into action to improve the quality of their own performance and enhance the ways others can be motivated to perform.

Learning Objectives:

  • Establish the definitive link between diversity and leadership effectiveness.
  • Uncover the ways micromessages impair or enhance workplace performance.
  • Create a team culture that recognizes how differences lead to discovery.
  • Develop skills that change the ways we send messages in order to motivate and inspire performance.
  • Achieve a level of acceptance by senior leaders to embrace the concepts and act as change agents by modeling the prescribed behaviors.
  • Forge systemic acceptance and behavior change that drive diversity and inclusion at all levels.



Stephen Young


10:35am – 12:05pm

(Also offered on Thursday at 3:20pm) This session focuses on what it takes to build and sustain an organizational culture that creates and sustains engaged employees. The goal of this…

(Also offered on Thursday at 3:20pm)

This session focuses on what it takes to build and sustain an organizational culture that creates and sustains engaged employees. The goal of this program is for attendees to discuss the importance of creating a culture that embraces change, diversity, accountability, urgency, and disciplined execution that delivers results.

Learning Objectives:

  • An explanation of why creating a strong culture should be a key strategy
  • Understanding and appreciating cultural differences and how to improve overall team cohesiveness.
  • Creating a culture with high psychological safety
  • Developing an “agile/adaptable mentality” across the organization
  • Improved managerial / leadership skills to create effective teams, work relationships and consistent performance outcomes
  • How to build a culture of accountability and avoid a culture of excuses


John Spence


John Spence

Managing Partner

John Spence, LLC

John Spence’s Biography

(Also offered on Thursday at 3:20pm) Over the past few decades, an evolving conversation has taken place across organizations about the challenges - and benefits - of managing generational differences…

(Also offered on Thursday at 3:20pm)

Over the past few decades, an evolving conversation has taken place across organizations about the challenges – and benefits – of managing generational differences at work. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, many firms have become virtual, a social justice reckoning has been catalyzed, and the “great resignation” of 2021 has taken root. Since generational preferences are intertwined in many of these dynamics, we believe that it has become more important than ever for leaders to develop their “generational intelligence” as a result.

Generational intelligence begins with awareness of generational differences – but also includes our appreciation for, and flexibility with, how we respond to those differences and similarities at work. Where once generational intelligence might have once been considered a “nice to have” among leaders, this competence is critical, especially now, when workers across generations are questioning and challenging the status quo at work.

In this course, we will discuss the values and worldviews members of different generations bring to the workplace and why. We will discuss the elements of a collaborative environment that engages staff across generations, and we will explore how you, as leaders, can help co-create an organization, and a team culture, that will more effectively engage contributors, leaders, as well as clients.

Learning Objectives:

  • Become aware of your generational values that inform how you see the world and your expectations of leaders and organizations
  • Learn about what informs the values and behaviors of other generations – Boomers to Gen X to Millennials to Gen Z—in order to respond without negativity nor judgment.
  • Identify ways to be more flexible in your approach toward leadership and building teams so as to engage and retain the next generation of employees.


Yael C. Sivi


Yael C. Sivi

Co-Founder and Executive Coach

Collaborative Coaching, LLC

Yael C. Sivi’s Biography

12:15pm – 1:15pm

Check your mobile app for location.

Check your mobile app for location.

1:30pm – 3:00pm

(Also offered on Tuesday at 1:30pm and Wednesday at 8:45am) In this elective course Professor Tiffany will review the origins of the current economic rivalry between the Peoples Republic of…

(Also offered on Tuesday at 1:30pm and Wednesday at 8:45am)

In this elective course Professor Tiffany will review the origins of the current economic rivalry between the Peoples Republic of China and the USA, and how the recent US Presidential election might affect this critical relationship.  Participants will initially view a short 30-minute video at their leisure prior to the “live” session in Philadelphia; this will provide background content so that the live session can focus on key issues and allow time for participant discussion. To facilitate this, all participants will be required to submit a short written response (one or more paragraphs) to a given question on the content and submit this to SII administrators prior to the live session, at which time they will be encouraged to engage with one another and Professor Tiffany regarding their perspectives.

Ideal for: Participants who want to improve their appreciation of and insights regarding the current political economy of the Peoples Republic of China, and how that nation’s economic expansion affects the future of the economy (and global power) of the USA.

The rise of China since the 1990s has been the most significant economic event in the world in recent times; indeed, it is in many ways the key element of “globalization.”  However, the actions of the Trump Administration, as well as that President’s frequent outbursts regarding America’s relationship with China, has created great uncertainty about the future (including in financial markets) that must be directly addressed by the Biden Administration.  Today the US appears to be at a crossroads about how it will respond in the coming years to China’s political and economic evolution. China’s political leadership claims the US is a declining nation and wants to prevent “the peaceful rise of China;” US officials claim that all they want is for China to “play by the rules” and that a reinvigorated American economy will result in continued global strength. So who is right—and why does it matter?

This elective session will first briefly review the remarkable rise of the Chinese economy from the rise of Mao in the mid-20th Century to the current era of the early 21st Century.  We will focus on the historical roots of this transformation, and how these forces have shaped the current attitudes and perspectives of the Chinese leadership towards economic priorities, growth, and relations with its expanding off-shore business involvements.  We will then turn specific attention to the prospects for future political-economic relations between the PRC and the USA against a backdrop that many assert to be the end of the “American Century” and the outset of the “Pacific Century.”   Participants will be challenged to consider how the many benefits of “doing business with China” for American firms must be balanced against the ultimate ends and goals of that nation as they relate to the value proposition of the United States—which includes respect for democracy, capitalism and a market-based economy, ownership of intellectual property rights, free trade, a rules-based world order, human rights– and America’s own ambitions in the decades ahead.

Learning Objectives:

  • Have a better understanding of the evolution of the contemporary Chinese economy and how that historical development has shaped the attitudes and perspectives of China’s leadership toward business and investment activities within the country, and abroad.
  • Increase their awareness of the opportunities and threats posed to US-based investors who choose to operate within the confines of the Chinese economy today.
  • Better comprehend the looming challenge that China represents to the long-standing hegemony of the United States as the world’s leading nation– and what implications for America stem from the recent “rise of China.”


Pre-Class Assignment – Video


CFP®, CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Paul Tiffany


Paul Tiffany

Senior Lecturer (Emeritus)

Hass School of Business, University of California, Berkeley

Paul Tiffany’s Biography

(Also offered on Wednesday at 8:45am) In 2022, finance professionals face a time of uncertainty on economic, financial, public health, and geopolitical fronts. This uncertainty follows on the past two…

(Also offered on Wednesday at 8:45am)

In 2022, finance professionals face a time of uncertainty on economic, financial, public health, and geopolitical fronts. This uncertainty follows on the past two decades of frequent bouts of volatility in both economies and asset markets worldwide. We witnessed the hype of the dot.com bubble and its subsequent bursting, leading to a global recession. The global economy and asset markets then boomed along with the debt-fueled global real estate bubble. The bursting of that speculative bubble caused both a worldwide stock market crash and “Great Recession.” Investors who did not panic gained from a strong recovery in global asset markets starting in March 2009. Many real and financial assets both in the US and abroad reached record-high prices in February 2020. The high valuations led many to fear significant market risks, for example from a possible global economic slowdown or a trade war with China.


The risk that was not anticipated was public health. The pandemic led to a sudden drop of the stock market, which declined by 34% from its February peak to its trough in March 2020. The economy moved from its record-long (nearly 11 consecutive years) economic growth phase to a short economic depression; a net of over 22 million US jobs were lost in March and April 2020.   Massive government intervention, with unprecedented expansionary fiscal and monetary policy, restored economic growth by May. The massive monetary and liquidity expansion by the FED, and its creation of near-zero interest rates, fueled a rapid V-shaped rebound of the stock market — it reached new highs within months. Stock market and real estate prices continued to climb to successive new highs. Economic growth surged in summer 2020.  Economic growth continued, but it decelerated in autumn and winter as a second surge of COVID infection acted as a brake. Fortunately, vaccines became available and as their distribution spread many jobs were created in service industries. Economic and job growth continued, although the third wave, due to the delta variant, did slow growth in 2021 Q3. Still, steady growth in jobs brought the unemployment rate quite low. The surprising strength of the economy, combined with reluctance on the part of some to rejoin the labor force, caused a level of job openings that was unprecedented and unanticipated. The tightness in the job market led to larger wage increases and combining that with global supply-chain problems led to a rise in inflation worldwide. This put pressure on many Central Banks to rein in their monetary policy. We will examine the recent past while also analyzing longer-term past trends in the economy and financial markets, all with an eye to understanding possible future trends and scenarios.


This session will separate fact from fiction while analyzing the implications of global forecasts and linkages for investors. The uncertainty regarding the pandemic, the U.S. and global economies, commodity prices, interest rates, exchange rates, job markets, monetary policy, fiscal policy, and the sustainability of massively increasing government debt worldwide all point toward the need for a truly global diversification strategy. This session will feature a strategic look at the economic, financial, and demographic trends that are likely to endure in the major economies of the future.


Learning Objectives:

  • Help financial professionals analyze the US and global economic outlook and longer-term economic trends in this time of great uncertainty in multiple dimensions.
  • Increase participants’ understanding of global and US financial linkages to the volatile economic and policy environment we have experienced in recent decades and especially recent years.
  • Portray and contrast global and U.S. demographic trends, analyzing their investment implications.
  • The ultimate objective of this core session is to help participants form global investing strategies based on the three preceding objectives.


CFP®, CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Jeffrey Rosensweig


Jeffrey Rosensweig

Director of the John Robson Program for Business, Public Policy, and Government

Goizueta Business School, Emory University

Jeffrey Rosensweig’s Biography

This session discusses how AI capabilities will start to diffuse to an increasing number of firms. It covers the markets for the software, skills, computation, and data needed to implement…

This session discusses how AI capabilities will start to diffuse to an increasing number of firms. It covers the markets for the software, skills, computation, and data needed to implement AI solutions and how the economics of these key inputs is changing. Finally, it discusses implications for the concentration of market power within large firms such as Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft. Describes the role of automated AI solutions such as AutoML in the workflow and what these mean for competition in this industry.


Learning Objectives:

  • Defining key inputs for AI and what it means for competition
  • Describe implications for future AI hiring strategies
  • Analyze the inputs needed for implementing an AI solution


Prasanna (Sonny) Tambe


Prasanna (Sonny) Tambe

Associate Professor, Operations, Information and Decisions

The Wharton School

Prasanna (Sonny) Tambe’s Biography

Impact and ESG investing has skyrocketed in popularity with investors worldwide. But many people don't realize how wide-ranging these disciplines have become.  Twenty years ago it was stock or occasionally…

Impact and ESG investing has skyrocketed in popularity with investors worldwide. But many people don’t realize how wide-ranging these disciplines have become.  Twenty years ago it was stock or occasionally other portfolios which screened companies in or out based on their social investing characteristics. Today, ESG and social-impact oriented strategies include new products and asset classes, influencing corporate governance through shareholder activism, Corporate Social Responsibility, Donor-Advised Funds, and bold for-profit approaches to helping the poor in the developing world.

This session provides an overview of the most important ESG and impact-investing concepts and styles and a look at whether investment return need be sacrificed for social benefit.  It offers a high-level view of the products and strategies now permeating not only institutional, but retail investing as well.


CFP®, CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Christopher Geczy


Christopher Geczy

Adjunct Professor of Finance

The Wharton School

Academic Director, The Wharton Wealth Management Initiative

The Wharton School

Christopher Geczy’s Biography

Ideal for: Participants who want to build a framework for analyzing passive investments and ETF due diligence, and to understand why ETFs are displacing mutual funds.  If you’ve ever wondered…

Ideal for: Participants who want to build a framework for analyzing passive investments and ETF due diligence, and to understand why ETFs are displacing mutual funds.  If you’ve ever wondered how to choose among seemingly identical products, worried about ETF trading, or struggled to explain why ETFs are so efficient, this is the class for you. Buy-side due diligence teams, risk managers, wealth managers, and active equity and fixed income managers can all benefit.

Exchange-traded funds have grown enormously over the past decades, capturing market share from mutual funds, hedge funds, and separately managed accounts.   ETFs now hold one out of every four dollars in publicly available long-term funds, up from one in ten at the end of 2011.  The active-to-passive trend is even starker, with active management losing ground every year since 2014.

As investors embrace passive management and the exchange-traded fund structure, fiduciaries can find themselves facing new questions.  Often, simple rules of thumb such as looking for the fund with the highest asset level, lowest expense ratio, or highest daily inflows can lead to costly mistakes.

This session will cover the fundamentals of ETF due diligence, with case studies, lively lectures, and Q&A.  Topics will include in-kind creation/redemption, which is the key differentiator between ETFs and mutual funds and the driver behind ETF’s competitive advantage; holding cost and risk analysis; liquidity evaluation and trade analysis; and, most importantly, index construction as the most critical driver of long-term performance.

Learning Objectives:

  • Explain how ETF creation/redemption drives ETFs’ competitive advantages in expenses and tax efficiency
  • Measure an ETF’s total annual cost of ownership
  • Assess ETF primary and secondary liquidity (institutional and retail points of view) and trading costs
  • Link index construction methodology to investment outcomes


CFP®, CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Elisabeth Kashner


Elisabeth Kashner

Director of Global Funds Research


Elisabeth Kashner’s Biography

(Also offered on Wednesday at 8:45am) This session will explain why the Federal Reserve’s response to the Covid Pandemic has caused so much inflation.  We will also examine the valuation…

(Also offered on Wednesday at 8:45am)

This session will explain why the Federal Reserve’s response to the Covid Pandemic has caused so much inflation.  We will also examine the valuation of the market, the Fed, and the determination of interest rates.  We will also discuss recent trends in factor, or “style” investing, particularly Value Investing.

Learning Objectives:

  • Effect of monetary Expansion on Inflation
  • Understanding historical returns on asset classes
  • Determine Valuations and P-E ratios and future returns
  • Fundamentals of Style Investing


CFP®, CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Jeremy Siegel


Jeremy Siegel

Russell E. Palmer Professor Emeritus of Finance

The Wharton School

Academic Director

Securities Industry Institute

Jeremy Siegel’s Biography

(Also offered on Wednesday at 8:45am) The key to a company’s financial success is strategy execution.  Companies that have success in long term value creation have a passion for execution. …

(Also offered on Wednesday at 8:45am)

The key to a company’s financial success is strategy execution.  Companies that have success in long term value creation have a passion for execution.  This session will use financial tools to analyze the differences between value creating and value destroying companies and show that the pattern is the same in every industry and in every part of the world. At the strategy formulation stage, it is important to select a strategy that the company understand its capabilities to execute more effectively and increase the likelihood of success. It is important to realize that profitability is necessary, but it is very fragile and it can disappear rapidly as market systems evolve. It is important to be vigilant about the changes taking place in your industry.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn the financial tools that are useful in identifying value creating companies and the metrics used by investors
  • Learn about companies that have tied operating metrics to financial performance to drive growth, innovation and value creation
  • Learn how you can impact these key value drivers to create value for your enterprise


Pre-Class Assignment – Reading


CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Joseph Perfetti


Joseph Perfetti

Lecturer, Department of Finance

University of Maryland, College Park

Joseph Perfetti’s Biography

This session will focus on our latest outlook on macro conditions, asset classes, and investment ideas. Following the catastrophic shuttering of economies in 2020, 2021 was characterized by a global…

This session will focus on our latest outlook on macro conditions, asset classes, and investment ideas.

Following the catastrophic shuttering of economies in 2020, 2021 was characterized by a global economic recovery fueled by unprecedented monetary and fiscal policy support. What can be expected in 2022?

As investors enter 2022, an old adage comes to mind, “everything in moderation.”  This phrase appropriately describes the current environment: a world of moderating GDP growth, moderating fiscal policy, moderating central bank support, and moderating equity returns.  Investors have found numerous reasons to pull out of the markets. Many have been tripped up on concerns over taxes, rates, inflation, and prices.

From a macro level, we will cover those topics alongside, GDP growth, monetary policy, elections, and risks. From a market side, we will focus on more earnings-driven and idiosyncratic returns and how to invest in the post-pandemic cycle within equities, fixed income, currencies, and commodities.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the current state of the macro economy and the markets
  • Recognize trends that may continue to fuel the recovery going forward
  • Explore actionable investment themes


CFP®, CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible


Candice Tse


Candice Tse

Managing Director, Global Client Business

Goldman Sachs Asset Management

Candice Tse’s Biography

3:20pm – 4:50pm

(Also offered on Thursday at 10:35am) This session focuses on what it takes to build and sustain an organizational culture that creates and sustains engaged employees. The goal of this…

(Also offered on Thursday at 10:35am)

This session focuses on what it takes to build and sustain an organizational culture that creates and sustains engaged employees. The goal of this program is for attendees to discuss the importance of creating a culture that embraces change, diversity, accountability, urgency, and disciplined execution that delivers results.

Learning Objectives:

  • An explanation of why creating a strong culture should be a key strategy
  • Understanding and appreciating cultural differences and how to improve overall team cohesiveness.
  • Creating a culture with high psychological safety
  • Developing an “agile/adaptable mentality” across the organization
  • Improved managerial / leadership skills to create effective teams, work relationships and consistent performance outcomes
  • How to build a culture of accountability and avoid a culture of excuses


John Spence


John Spence

Managing Partner

John Spence, LLC

John Spence’s Biography

(Also offered on Thursday at 10:35am) Over the past few decades, an evolving conversation has taken place across organizations about the challenges - and benefits - of managing generational differences…

(Also offered on Thursday at 10:35am)

Over the past few decades, an evolving conversation has taken place across organizations about the challenges – and benefits – of managing generational differences at work. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, many firms have become virtual, a social justice reckoning has been catalyzed, and the “great resignation” of 2021 has taken root. Since generational preferences are intertwined in many of these dynamics, we believe that it has become more important than ever for leaders to develop their “generational intelligence” as a result.

Generational intelligence begins with awareness of generational differences – but also includes our appreciation for, and flexibility with, how we respond to those differences and similarities at work. Where once generational intelligence might have once been considered a “nice to have” among leaders, this competence is critical, especially now, when workers across generations are questioning and challenging the status quo at work.

In this course, we will discuss the values and worldviews members of different generations bring to the workplace and why. We will discuss the elements of a collaborative environment that engages staff across generations, and we will explore how you, as leaders, can help co-create an organization, and a team culture, that will more effectively engage contributors, leaders, as well as clients.

Learning Objectives:

  • Become aware of your generational values that inform how you see the world and your expectations of leaders and organizations
  • Learn about what informs the values and behaviors of other generations – Boomers to Gen X to Millennials to Gen Z—in order to respond without negativity nor judgment.
  • Identify ways to be more flexible in your approach toward leadership and building teams so as to engage and retain the next generation of employees.


Yael C. Sivi


Yael C. Sivi

Co-Founder and Executive Coach

Collaborative Coaching, LLC

Yael C. Sivi’s Biography

6:00pm – 8:30pm

Sponsored by Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. Join fellow SII 2022 participants for a night of networking and fun at the National Constitution Center.…

Sponsored by Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc.

Join fellow SII 2022 participants for a night of networking and fun at the National Constitution Center. Buses will only be provided from/to the SII hotel properties.

7:15am – 8:15am

Breakfast will be served at all SII hotel properties.

Breakfast will be served at all SII hotel properties.

9:00am – 11:00am

**We want to highlight for you that there is some content overlap between this session, The Most Important Thing, and Mastering Stress.  They feature different examples and research but share…

**We want to highlight for you that there is some content overlap between this session, The Most Important Thing, and Mastering Stress.  They feature different examples and research but share the same tools. We suggest choosing only one of Andy Bernstein’s sessions unless you are okay with the overlapping content.

Crucibles are high-temperature containers used to transform metals. In management literature, they refer to challenging experiences that can forge more humble and effective leaders — or can cause leaders and organizations to melt down and fail.

We’re all in an enormous crucible now, feeling the combined fires of Covid, workplace disruptions, political polarization, social unrest, and more.

In this session — premiering at SII in 2022 — you’ll explore the dynamics of crucibles in a way that is both illuminating and actionable. Bringing together social psychology, evolutionary biology, and leadership studies, this program gives you a framework and toolkit to navigate crucibles better, both personally and professionally.

Learning Objectives:

  • How crucibles work, and why crisis alone isn’t enough to produce positive change
  • How neurobiology, evolution, and modern life are combining to make “super-crucibles”
  • Why most common approaches to personal, organizational, and social change fail
  • What actually works — how to handle crucible experiences more intelligently and produce better outcomes for everyone


Andrew Bernstein


Digital is not an end goal, but a way of working. It’s ever-changing – evolving in response to what is happening around us. In this panel – comprised of some…

Digital is not an end goal, but a way of working. It’s ever-changing – evolving in response to what is happening around us. In this panel – comprised of some of the best and brightest minds in the industry – we’ll explore who investors are today, the democratization of investing through emerging technologies and asset classes and its impact on how we define “digital” for the investor, the advisor and firms. Join us for this “can’t miss” session to learn about trends impacting digital in 2022 and key activities companies should be engaged in now to be ready for what is coming in the future!


Attendees will:

  • Discover new insights and data to complement their own digital strategies
  • Gain perspective from experts executing in this space
  • Realize opportunities to apply these approaches to their own work on their firms’ digital initiatives


Michelle Jackson, Deborah A. Bussière, Rob Krugman, Philip Moyer, Emily Wengert


Michelle Jackson

SVP, Global Managing Director, Client Engagement and Innovation

Broadridge Financial Solutions

Michelle Jackson’s Biography


Deborah A. Bussière

Chief Marketing Officer (TradFi, DeFi, FinTech, Asset Management, Cryptocurrencies)

Deborah A. Bussière’s Biography

Rob Krugman

Chief Digital Officer

Broadridge Financial Solutions

Rob Krugman’s Biography

Philip Moyer

Vice President, Strategic Industries

Google Cloud

Philip Moyer’s Biography

Emily Wengert

Group Vice President, User Experience


Emily Wengert’s Biography

Data is the new Oil.  Organizations that embrace data as a centerpiece of the architecture will be best positioned for the data-driven future.  Join a conversation with Doug Besso, Chief…

Data is the new Oil.  Organizations that embrace data as a centerpiece of the architecture will be best positioned for the data-driven future.  Join a conversation with Doug Besso, Chief Technology Officer, Hightower Advisors, Joseph Nadreau, Head of Advisory Platform Services, Wells Fargo, and Brandon Rembe, Chief Product Officer, Envestnet, to learn how data can not only meet your organization’s goals but transform what the goals can be.


Doug Besso, Joe Nadreau, Brandon Rembe


Doug Besso

Chief Technology Officer

HighTower Advisors


Securities Industry Institute

Doug Besso’s Biography

Brandon Rembe

Chief Product Officer

Envestnet, Inc.

Brandon Rembe’s Biography

Hear insights on the future of the industry as leaders of Allspring Global Investments, BNY Mellon/Pershing, and RW Baird engage in a discussion with Lisa Kidd Hunt, Managing Director, Head…

Hear insights on the future of the industry as leaders of Allspring Global Investments, BNY Mellon/Pershing, and RW Baird engage in a discussion with Lisa Kidd Hunt, Managing Director, Head of International Sales at Charles Schwab.


Lisa Kidd Hunt, James T. Crowley, Joseph Sullivan, John G. Taft


Lisa Kidd Hunt

Managing Director, Head of International Services

Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.


Lisa Kidd Hunt’s Biography


James T. Crowley

Chief Executive Officer

BNY Mellon | Pershing

James T. Crowley’s Biography

Joseph Sullivan

Executive Chair and Chief Executive Officer

Allspring Global Investments

Joseph Sullivan’s Biography