SIFMA and SIFMA AMG Publish Master Treasury Securities Clearing Agreement
New York, NY, September 25, 2024 –SIFMA and SIFMA’s Asset Management Group (SIFMA AMG) today published the “2024 SIFMA Master…
New rules from the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) will require most market participants to centrally clear cash and repo U.S. Treasuries, imposing significant changes to market structure.
Treasury cash clearing is required to go into effect by the end of 2026, and repo clearing is required to go into effect by June 30, 2027.
The rule change triggers a significant change in U.S. Treasury market structure and will have material impacts to market participants including broker-dealers, institutional investors, interdealer brokers, principal trading firms, and covered clearing agencies.
On behalf of our members, SIFMA is working to advance multiple workstreams and short-term deliverables that will set the stage for long-term implementation. These include development of market standard documentation, enhancements to market structure, further needed regulatory reforms, and an operations timeline.
In December 2023, the SEC mandated that secondary trading of in-scope U.S. Treasury (UST) and repo transactions be cleared via a Covered Clearing Agency (CCA). Currently, U.S. Treasury transactions are either settled bilaterally or cleared centrally through the sole CCA, DTCC’s Fixed Income Clearing Corporation (FICC).
The mandate increases the scope of transactions that are required to be cleared in both the cash market and the repo market. Following an extension and relief granted by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, the compliance dates for this new mandate are:
UST cash purchases and sales have a compliance date of December 31, 2026, for transactions 1) entered by direct participants that are interdealer brokers or 2) between clearing members and certain other firm types (e.g., registered broker-dealers, government securities broker-dealers).
UST repo and reverse repo transactions have a compliance date of June 30, 2027, for the direct participants of a UST securities CCA with the requirement to clear eligible secondary market transactions (e.g., repo or reverse repo agreements collateralized by UST securities).
CCAs in the UST market must adopt policies and procedures designed to require their members to submit in-scope transactions for clearing and take steps to facilitate access to clearing for additional market participants (e.g., pension funds, asset managers). CCAs will also be required to collect margin separately for house and customer transactions. Lastly, the rule impacts 15c3-3 reserve calculations and permits margin required and deposited with a clearing agency to be included as a debit in reserve formula calculations, subject to certain conditions.
CCA implementation of enhanced practices is required by September 30, 2025, and is expected to include risk management practices, margin practices, customer asset protection and market access expansion.
SIFMA partnered with Ernst & Young LLP (EY US) to publish the U.S. Treasury Central Clearing: Industry Considerations Report.
This report is designed to capture and organize the various considerations and activities market participants should evaluate while assessing and completing preparations for the upcoming compliance dates. It is intended to be utilized as a guide by sell-side and buy-side market participants alike as they implement changes in response to new U.S. Treasury clearing requirements.
The report details the critical activities that institutions should consider as they design and implement a process for Treasury clearing. The primary objectives of the report are to:
The report includes input and subject-matter analysis from market participants on both the buy-side and sell-side that was gathered 1) via a survey issued to SIFMA member firms by SIFMA and EY, 2) from information workshops hosted with SIFMA member firms, and 3) from bilateral conversations with market participants.
SIFMA also published a document addressing frequently asked questions related to the report.
To provide market efficiency, particularly as more entities come into the clearing ecosystem, SIFMA has convened representatives from both the buy- and sell-side in working groups to develop market standard documentation:
The “Done-Away” model will require changes to market structure. As part of our efforts, SIFMA’s working groups will identify those needs.
Upon publication, all documentation is available in SIFMA’s Market Practices & Model Documentation Library.
We are spearheading industry discussions to evaluate the path to supplement the “done-with” or sponsored clearing approach (whereby participants trade and clear through their sponsor) with the “done-away” approach (whereby participants trade with third parties and submit the trades to their clearing member for clearing).
SIFMA has convened an industry Roundtable on developing a “done-away” model.
This is an extraordinarily complex rulemaking and significant open questions remain. For instance, the SEC gave an inter-affiliate exemption but it is not feasible to operationalize or implement. How the mandate will affect triparty repo is another area of concern. Further reforms are needed to address issues for certain market participants, including registered funds and off-shore UCITS. SIFMA also will comment on the proposed FICC rule changes.
Press Releases
New York, NY, September 25, 2024 –SIFMA and SIFMA’s Asset Management Group (SIFMA AMG) today published the “2024 SIFMA Master…
Press Releases
New York, NY, November 13, 2024 – SIFMA and Ernst & Young LLP (EY US) today published “U.S. Treasury Central Clearing…
In this episode of The SIFMA Podcast, we outline recent and upcoming developments that will have a significant impact on…
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