Becky Lenz
Becky Lenz is a Senior Product Manager at Refinitiv, an LSEG (London Stock Exchange Group) business. Ms. Lenz’s primary responsibilities include identifying and developing strategic business opportunities within the Settlement department and is currently leading the T+1 Accelerated Settlement Initiative for LSEG Refinitiv. She has participated in prior SIFMA panel discussions for the industry move to T+2 at the 2016 SIFMA T+2 Symposium discussing Vendor and Service Provider Preparedness and the 2017 T+2 Settlement Conference panel on Clearing Firms, Custody Banks and Service Providers.
She has over 28 years of experience in the financial industry working for Kemper Clearing, Man Financial, US Bank, Thomson Reuters and LSEG Refinitiv in operational and IT technology-based roles. She has been with LSEG Refinitiv for over 21 years working as a business analyst and most recently as a Product Manager. Ms. Lenz received a Bachelor’s Degree in Finance from the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee in 1993.