Bryan Smith

Senior Vice President, Complex Investigations and Intelligence (CII), FINRA

Bryan Smith currently serves as FINRA’s Senior Vice President for Complex Investigations and Intelligence (CII) as part of the National Cause and Financial Crimes Detection (NCFC) program.  In that role he oversees the Special Investigations Unit (SIU) which is composed of the Anti-Money Laundering Teams (AML) and the Anti-Fraud Investigative Team (AFI); the High Risk Representative Group (HRR); the Vulnerable Adults and Seniors Investigation Team (VAST); the Cyber and Analytics Unit (CAU) which is composed of the Cyber Security Group (CSG), the Cyber-Enabled Fraud Group (CEF), and the Crypto Asset Investigations Group (CAI); and Treasury and U.S Law Enforcement Engagement.


Prior to joining FINRA, Bryan spent more than 21 years with the FBI as a Special Agent and most recently was the Section Chief for the FBI’s Cyber Criminal Operations, responsible for the FBI’s investigations and operations against cyber criminal actors and threats.  Previous FBI leadership assignments included leading the Cyber/White Collar branch of the Cleveland office, the FBI’s national money laundering/bank fraud program, and serving as the FBI Detailee to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission where he assisted both agencies in insider trading, market manipulation, and investment fraud matters. His experience crosses over financial crimes, cyber, and virtual currency and in 2013 he initiated the FBI’s first unit focused on cryptocurrency.  A proponent of public private partnerships he initiated several private sector outreach efforts to better leverage the complementary knowledge of both. Prior to the FBI, he was a consultant for Accenture and Deloitte and graduated from Bradley University with a degree in Accounting.