Dr. Zsolt Laszlo Bartfai
Dr. Zsolt Laszlo Bartfai is a lawyer specialized in data protection and other constitutional law matters (e.g. functioning of state organs, inc. state databases, legislative matters, elections). He has gathered almost 30+ years professional experience (more than 23 years as legal adviser thereof) at various employers both in Hungary and Europe. Zsolt has 10+ years data protection related experience having dealt with this area at corporate level since 2017. He is a co-author of a commentary on GDPR (2018). The positions that he has occupied (e.g. legal counselling, elaborating concept papers, legal opinions, education, organization and management of projects, etc.) – in addition to having enriched his professional knowledge – he has reaffirmed his systematic approach to issues and ability to handle cases in their complexity. In addition to the theoretical talent and fastidiousness, he always pays attention to the solutions being workable and giving real answers to complex problems.