Tara Kruse
Tara Kruse is the Global Head of Infrastructure, Data and Non-Cleared Margin at ISDA. In her role leading ISDA’s Non-Cleared Margin Initiative, Ms. Kruse helps facilitate the implementation of margin rules for non-cleared derivatives across jurisdictions and oversees maintenance of the ISDA Standard Initial Margin Model (ISDA SIMMTM). She leads ISDA’s Market Infrastructure and Technology team which is digitizing ISDA’s documentation and developing innovative industry standards, like the ISDA Common Domain Model, to drive efficiency and automation. Tara also leads ISDA’s Data and Reporting team which promotes globally harmonized and efficient trade reporting requirements.
Before joining ISDA, Ms. Kruse was a vice president in the Derivatives Projects Group at Morgan Stanley which was responsible for implementation of global trade repository reporting for credit and equity derivatives and global cross-asset regulatory reference data. Prior to that, Ms. Kruse was head of Americas IRCC Derivative Documentation and the global head of Credit Derivative Documentation Drafting at Morgan Stanley. Prior to Morgan Stanley, Ms. Kruse was the Global Head of Credit Derivatives Documentation at Bear Stearns.