T+1 After Action Report

On May 28th, the United States securities market moved to an accelerated settlement cycle of one day after trade date (T+1) for equities, corporate bonds, municipal bonds, unit investment trusts, and financial instruments comprised of these security types. After more than three years of rigorous and coordinated activities to plan for — and ultimately implement — a shortened settlement cycle, the industry is recognizing reduced settlement risk across the U.S. capital markets. Firms are now able to make better use of their capital while promoting financial stability. Ultimately, T+1 has provided the appropriate balance between increasing efficiencies and successfully mitigating risk for the industry.

After-Action Report

SIFMA, Investment Company Institute (ICI), and The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) led the industry’s efforts to plan, coordinate and implement the transition to T+1 settlement, a process that took well over three years to complete. This white paper outlines the general project timeline, including its key milestones. It also discusses the obstacles that were overcome and the groundswell of global participation with the U.S. move, as well as highlighting the initial impact of the shift.

A Playbook for the Move to T+1

Additional Information and Resources

SIFMA and its industry partners have provided key resources for the industry to leverage ahead of the transition. These include:

Media Inquiries

If you have a media inquiry, please contact Katrina Cavalli at 212.313.1181.