Expected status of market operations and regulatory considerations during a National Day of Mourning or unscheduled close

This page was last updated to reflect announcements related to the National Day of Mourning in honor of former President Jimmy Carter (January 9, 2025).

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Fixed IncomeTradingSettlementSource
USD Denominated Fixed Income SecuritiesOPEN: 2:00 P.M. ET EARLY CLOSEOPENSIFMA Recommends Early Market Close on January 9, 2025, for the National Day of Mourning in Honor of Former President Carter
Fed Open Market Operations & Treasury BuybacksAS SCHEDULEDOPEN
Treasury AuctionsAS SCHEDULEDOPENUpcoming Auctions - Treasury Direct
FedwireN/AOPENFRB Service Status,
Federal Reserve Calendar Announcements
Money Market FundsRefer to statements by individual funds for status, per ICI’s Unexpected Markets Close Guide (here)
MSRB RTRS Trade ReportingOPENMSRB Notice 2025-01
SOFRPublished as scheduledFRB-NY Statement Regarding the Publication of Reference Rates on Thursday, January 9, 2025

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CMEExtended Trading Hours & Product specific hours - see noticeOpenCME Group Announces Trading Hours for U.S. National Day of Mourning to Honor Former President Jimmy Carter | Nasdaq

National Day of Mourning for Former President James Earl Carter, Jr. - CME Group
ICEEarly close in some productsICE Futures U.S., Inc. To Observe A Moment of Silence In Honor Of FormerPresident Jimmy Carter On Thursday, January 9, 2025
CFTCThis week’s Commitments of Traders Report will be released on Monday, January 13, 2025.

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OTC SwapsTradingSettlementSource
ISDAISDA Market Closure InfoHub
DTCC Trade Information Warehouse (TIW)Consistent with normal / BAU processing
DTCC Global Trade Repository (GTR) (Europe / UK / Asia / America)Consistent with normal / BAU processing

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Regulatory ConsiderationsTradingSettlementSource
FINRARegulatory Notice 24-18 - Unexpected Close of Securities Markets
SECEDGAR Will Be Closed

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Commercial Banks
Bank RegulatorsFederal Reserve Calendar Announcements

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