Balancing Shareholder and Stakeholder Interests


Mary-Hunter McDonnell

Bantwal Family Goldman Sachs Presidential Associate Professor of Management

Faculty Co-Director, Zicklin Center for Corporate Governance

The Wharton School

Mary-Hunter McDonnell’s Biography

CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible

Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes

Option 1: Monday, April 12th at 12:00pm ET

This session will include participant Q&A.

Course Description

Recognizing the increasing importance of latent sources of non-market risk stemming from social and political uncertainty, firms are facing increased calls to consider the interests of stakeholders, in addition to shareholders, when making strategic decisions.  This class will guide participants through a hands-on, episodic case that explores a company’s decision to re-incorporate abroad for tax savings.  The case illustrates the complexity and importance of analyzing and understanding the non-market (social, legal, and political) risks attendant to strategic decisions.  Participants will learn frameworks for assessing non-market risk, balancing the interests of shareholders with those of key stakeholders, and the critical role of governance frameworks for allocating power between shareholders and stakeholders.