Experiential Case: An Organization in Crisis


Mary-Hunter McDonnell

Bantwal Family Goldman Sachs Presidential Associate Professor of Management

Faculty Co-Director, Zicklin Center for Corporate Governance

The Wharton School

Mary-Hunter McDonnell’s Biography

CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA℠ Eligible

Duration: 2 Hours

Option 1: Monday, March 29th at 9:00am ET

Option 2: Tuesday, April 13th at 3:00pm ET

This session will be interactive with discussion and breakouts.

Course Description

This session will involve an experiential case where participants will play the role of a board facing an unexpected and shocking ethical crisis.  The case is episodic, allowing participants to make decisions as they obtain new information.  The case will provide participants an opportunity to grapple with important contemporary issues including, i) how to balance stakeholder and shareholder interests, ii) how leaders balance considerations of transparency and control when faced with damaging internal information, iii) how to structure an internal corporate investigation, and iv) how to determine whether an ethical lapse is an individual versus organizational issue.   A federal prosecutor will join Professor McDonnell in debriefing the case to shed additional light on its legal and investigative components.