Leading Through Challenging Times


Gregory Shea

Senior Fellow, Center for Leadership and Change

The Wharton School

Adjunct Professor of Management

The Wharton School

Gregory Shea’s Biography

Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes

Option 1: Thursday, January 28th at 2:00pm ET

Option 2: Friday, March 26th at 10:00am ET

Pre-work: Participants will be asked to watch a documentary.

This session will be interactive with group discussion.

Course Description

Over 100 years ago 28 adventurers were stranded for nearly two years in Antarctica.  Incredibly, they all survived.  Their story and that of their leader, Ernest Shackleton, evidence many of the now recognized best practices for leading through challenging times.  This session explores the story of Shackleton’s expedition, mining it for illustrations of best practices for today’s leaders trying to lead through current challenging times.