Playing To Your Strengths


Anne Greenhalgh

Deputy Director, Anne and John McNulty Leadership Program

The Wharton School

Adjunct Professor of Management

The Wharton School

Anne Greenhalgh’s Biography

Duration: 1 Hour

Option 1: Tuesday, January 26th at 3:00pm ET

Option 2: Thursday, February 18th at 9:00am ET

Pre-work: Participant will be asked to be complete the Hogan Personality Inventory Assessment.

The instructor will guide participants through reading of individual Hogan reports then leave time at the end of the session to field questions.

Course Description

Your reputation precedes you.  How do others see you at work?  Are you perceived as cool, calm, and collected?  Emotionally expressive?  Competitive?  A team player?  Sociable?  Independent?  A people person?  Task-focused?  Conscientious?   Willing to take a risk? Imaginative? Practical? Do you seem to prefer formal education or hands-on learning?  How do these perceptions about you play out when you face an issue, problem, or adversity at work?  What consequences do they have for better or worse? Complete the Hogan Personality Inventory as pre-work, and this session will give you the opportunity to see yourself as others see you, reflect on your strengths, and consider how to make the most of strengths and downplay liabilities.

Learning Objectives:
  • See yourself as others see you.
  • Reflect on the assets of your personality and recognize the liabilities.
  • Learn how to make the most of strengths so that weaknesses pale by comparison.