Remarks as Prepared for SIFMA’s 2024 Operations Conference & Exhibition – Wednesday

Remarks by Stephen Byron, Managing Director, Head of Technology, Operations and Business Continuity at SIFMA, as prepared for delivery at SIFMA’s Operations Conference & Exhibition.

Good morning. It is my great pleasure to welcome you to our final day of the 2024 SIFMA Ops Conference. I hope you have enjoyed the previous two days as much as I have. I would be remiss if I did not thank our sponsors, exhibitors, all of our speakers, and all the attendees for your support of this conference. On a personal level, I would also like to thank you for the warm welcome to SIFMA. I have appreciated all the conversations over the past few days, and I look forward to working with all of you going forward.

While today is not as long as the past two, our program is no less robust. The three panels tie together themes of this conference, namely the work operations teams need to do to prepare for new regulations, the importance of communicating with regulators and each other to ensure there is an awareness of the impact new rules will have on operations, and the operational transformation in financial services brought about by AI and other digitization initiatives. SIFMA plays a unique role, bringing together our industry and members to respond to industry change whatever form that takes. It is a busy time in our industry, but also an exciting time. I encourage you to stay engaged with SIFMA as we go through this time of transformation.

And with that, it is my pleasure to introduce our first panel, on Treasury clearing. The panel will be moderated by Rob Toomey, SIFMA managing director, associate general counsel and head of capital markets. Please join me in welcoming Rob.